Greetings Rohanians!

GM’s are always looking for new challenges.
This time, they want to test the knowledge, luck and wits of all Rohanians through this event called “True or False”

How to participate? 👀

Join our discord to participate at the designated time!

This event will take place on the channel on the channel "GM's Events", #True or False.

🎁 [Rewards]

💠200% Combination Scroll(Event)-2 Hours x 2 or x2 400% Growth Seal(2h) [Player's Choice]
💠 x1 Wild Bounty

🎁 [Participation]

💠 x1 Wild Bounty

📜 [Information]

A series of statements related to the game will be given, the players must determine if it is true or false.
Rohanians must answer the 5 questions correctly.
There will be from 3 to 5 rounds.
All your answers must go in the same message on that channel, for example.

1 True
2 False
3 True
4 False

They will have up to 3 minutes to send their response through the same channel, after the indicated amount of time the channel will be closed to see those who answered everything correctly, the first one to provide the correct answer will win and the others who answered correctly will receive a Participation Reward.

🔎 [Rules]

⚠️ The event starts on May 19th and 15:00 PDT
⚠️ One account PER PLAYER
⚠️ Multiple accounts will reduce the chances of winning.
⚠️ We will only take into consideration your first reply, be careful when sending your reply, make sure its correctly typed.
⚠️ Be aware that we are allowed to disqualify entries that we deem not eligible for the rewards for being incomplete, incorrect, due to bad behavior or breaking the rules of the event.
⚠️Edited answers will not be considered.

That being said, let the games begin.

Best regards
-R.O.H.A.N.: Eternal Vengeance Team-
Vengeance Never Ends