Greetings Rohanians!
Here we present the events for this month.
*Take into account that some events can be canceled or reprogramed due to the actual COVID19 situation.
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Here are the events for this month:
Be the lucky one to choose 1 of the 3 golden chests with rewards
• Choose 1 of the 15 golden chest placed on the map
• Players will have to wait until GM does the countdown to start the rounds
• There are 3 rounds per event and 1 winner per wound. Winners are determined by a randomizer
• Winners
o 3x 400% Growth Seal(2H)
o 2x 200% Combination Scroll(Event) - 2 hours
Are you ready to flex your mental muscles with Quiz Quiz Questions?
• The GM will ask questions about various topics and genres. There are 2 options to choose from per question.
• You will have 5 seconds to choose the answer you think is right for the question.
• If you choose the wrong answer or fail to choose a side after 5 seconds, you will be automatically ported out from the event area.
• If you think the answer to the question is A, SIT next to Adolf. If you think the answer to the question is B, SIT next to Bruno.
• Your chosen NPC will be your answer for the current question, with the round restarting every new question.
• Make sure to stop, when the countdown ends!
• If you choose correctly, you will pass the round and be able to continue answering questions. If not, well then; better luck next time!
• Only one player can win this event.
• Stay in front of the Goalie area until the question is asked and the timer is going.
• Winners
o 2x Growth Seal 400% (3Hr)
o 2x 200% Combination Scroll(Event) - 2 hours
o 30 Million Crones
• Participation Reward
o 1x 200% Combination Scroll(Event)-2 Hours
Show you are the strongest player in Rohan and participate on this event to kill everyone around.
• Potions and Scrolls ARE allowed
• NO SUICIDES and NO REVIVES are permitted
• NO PETS allowed. NO PARTIES are allowed.
• Using HIDE skills to disrupt the event will result in disqualification AND imprisonment.
• Players must be at least level 30 to participate
• Talk to NPC Adolf after entering the arena to register for the event, if don’t you will not be able to participate!
• The only time that you can attack is when GM says GO.
• Winners
o 3x Growth Seal 400% (3Hr)
o 5000 IP Tickets
o 30 Million crones
• Participation Reward
o 1x Growth Seal 400% (3Hr)
Clean the entire dungeon to help us eradicating all monsters
• You have a maximum of 30 minutes to kill all the monsters inside the dungeon
• Winners
o 3x Growth Seal 400% (3Hr)
o 5000 IP Tickets
o 30 Million crones
Get ready to defeat horrible creatures and survive for the Glory!
• Venging is strictly not allowed in this event.
• It is not allowed to fight or kill other players during the event.
• Winner Party
o 3x Growth Seal 400% (3Hr)
o 5000 IP Ticket
o 30 Million crones
• Loser Parties
o 1x Growth Seal 400% (3Hr)
You need to be as fast as you can!
-The GM will provide scrambled letters of something Rohan related.
-The first player to figure it out and whisper the correct word or name to GM, wins
-Players will have a limited time to whisper the correct word.
o 50 Million Crones
o 5x Holy Teardrop
o 5000 IP Ticket
Are you up for the challenge?
Rules and mechanics
-GM will ask for registration 5 minutes before the event starts
-The first 30 players to register will be able to enter the Labyrinth.
-Players teleported inside the event area will be the only ones that can participate.
-AFK players will be expelled from the event
-Once inside, players are not allowed to switch ith other players.
-No PK is allowed
-The event consists of carrying out 3 tasks
- In the first challenge players have to work as a team, the second challenge will only be 10 winners, and the last challenge is PVP, only one player will win the best prize.
Crones in each stage:
1st stage: 50 million crones
2nd stage: 100 million crones
3rd stage: 150 million crones
Fishing time!
-The GM will give you 20 minutes to catch an specific fish.
-After that time, you will have to find the GM and trade your biggest catch.
-The first 10 players to trade their fishes to the GM will be rewarded and the winner will be the highest ranking fish.
o 50 Million Crones
o 5x Holy Teardrop
o 5000 IP Ticket
Be the first to find the GMs Kiosk!
-GM will put his store in 3 places.
-Players must find it and buy the item that the GM has for sale.
o You'll get the item for a special sale price.
**** NOTE: GMs can change the rewards during the events ****