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  1. #1
    NON FACTOR no need to pvp , i can test whit same gear/lvl on COLISEUM only diferent classes .No need to be famous to give mi opinion,every one can, or u got a monopol on forum ? go to play golf and calm dawn

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by yubyta View Post
    NON FACTOR no need to pvp , i can test whit same gear/lvl on COLISEUM only diferent classes .No need to be famous to give mi opinion,every one can, or u got a monopol on forum ? go to play golf and calm dawn

    Hue Salty ? Hue hue
    Main: Arctic - AnnetteLouise - Resident

    A taste of the divine

  3. #3
    Why such post, asking a usual question regarding something of game.
    Has yet got taken into a childish fight?
    Let go.
    I'd like to learn more about Dhans.
    The Grandpa Everyone Wants, That Only Enigma Has!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by QuadraMagic View Post
    Why such post, asking a usual question regarding something of game.
    Has yet got taken into a childish fight?
    Let go.
    I'd like to learn more about Dhans.
    The forums is a huge pile of salt, I'm a collector of salt, thus I reside here. I warn you things get heated real quickly around here and 90% of the people are trolls xD.

    If you want to learn more about dhans, make one and play it for some time, then you'll learn all there is to know.

    I read you're new, read the guide I wrote, it's in my signature. If you have any questions, you'll be in quite capable hands with Jenny but I can also help out if you need some specific advice.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
    Superiors - Guildmaster

    New/Returning Player Guide

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by White Arctic Fox View Post
    The forums is a huge pile of salt, I'm a collector of salt, thus I reside here. I warn you things get heated real quickly around here and 90% of the people are trolls xD.

    If you want to learn more about dhans, make one and play it for some time, then you'll learn all there is to know.

    I read you're new, read the guide I wrote, it's in my signature. If you have any questions, you'll be in quite capable hands with Jenny but I can also help out if you need some specific advice.
    If i just look at it as part of the foreplay, it's actually not that bad at all! Haha!!

    I haven't had such good lecture in a while of my aches.

    My sincere gratitude, White Arctic Fox.
    The Grandpa Everyone Wants, That Only Enigma Has!

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by QuadraMagic View Post
    If i just look at it as part of the foreplay, it's actually not that bad at all! Haha!!

    I haven't had such good lecture in a while of my aches.

    My sincere gratitude, White Arctic Fox.
    You're welcome
    Salve - Dragon Sage
    Superiors - Guildmaster

    New/Returning Player Guide

  7. #7
    True... Some class just out dmg others and it's will never change.

    Dhan got nerf... So temp guard noir will back to top pvp class.

    Its will never really change the fact that there is classes who always be OP then others.. And ohter class will always stay in the buttom.

    Temp... Ds.... Pred... Guardian... Noir.... Rumir...... Ranger. And maybe savage ( only Hector play it for his main and I also not sure 100 % on that cus he got 6 chars)

    Reset of the chars will always gona be Alt / support..... / second account ( just in case you will get bored after years from your top chars I list above.)

    And it's will stay that way till I see a real balanced patch.

    I mean.. In rohan history Wiz supposed to be the best pve class ( that's whaylt they write on the website when you have a look on that class.

    In reality.. I believe Wiz with max gear ( 3.0 staff upg... Abyss max psy... Last tittle and lvl.. .. Last Chakra rings... And lts say tali elemental plus 6... Abs set... Now lts say all the gear are +12..

    I believe wiz will able to do max of 250k dmg normal hit on mobs and that's will be a dream to see it lol..

    While a noob pred with opa katar and really normal gear not even last.... Can make this dmg...

    So the point is... Rohan is for 6 or 7 class and will remain that way forever...

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Eliedri99 View Post
    True... Some class just out dmg others and it's will never change.

    Dhan got nerf... So temp guard noir will back to top pvp class.

    Its will never really change the fact that there is classes who always be OP then others.. And ohter class will always stay in the buttom.

    Temp... Ds.... Pred... Guardian... Noir.... Rumir...... Ranger. And maybe savage ( only Hector play it for his main and I also not sure 100 % on that cus he got 6 chars)

    Reset of the chars will always gona be Alt / support..... / second account ( just in case you will get bored after years from your top chars I list above.)

    And it's will stay that way till I see a real balanced patch.

    I mean.. In rohan history Wiz supposed to be the best pve class ( that's whaylt they write on the website when you have a look on that class.

    In reality.. I believe Wiz with max gear ( 3.0 staff upg... Abyss max psy... Last tittle and lvl.. .. Last Chakra rings... And lts say tali elemental plus 6... Abs set... Now lts say all the gear are +12..

    I believe wiz will able to do max of 250k dmg normal hit on mobs and that's will be a dream to see it lol..

    While a noob pred with opa katar and really normal gear not even last.... Can make this dmg...

    So the point is... Rohan is for 6 or 7 class and will remain that way forever...
    Let's see after ALL balance patch How game Will be hoping they surprise with human balance and the others comming...Hoping my extra 20% dd not get nerf lmfao

    But Wizards was the unique class with aoe regular atack... Later savages and after put 100x+ skills they Begin put aoe for almost ALL class i cant blame them in do It... But Wizard begun be useeles everyone used to make them on past for troll stun/debuff etc wizz have two debuffs useeles...the "high dmg" is from skills but on guys +50 skill perma resist... So what the point to make wizz?If Rumir farm too,also support better dont die easily...Just need a hyancith set and Farm everywhere with a 1 ABS arrendal and Wizard It need a onyx set a good staff and careful to he not bug and die on rebuff cause of Psy Shield... Its kinda funny my noir do like 1k dmg on wizz with trans opa set geared... But take It in one rear blast...Again we ask ourselfs for what make a wizz?If a Rumir with less gears looks better If a Noob dhan with Hp katar do better...For what make a wizz who make one gear up It is cuz rly like Wizards cuz in terms on Atractive low dmg low Hp low resistance crit imunity...I have scrolls...Idk If is like that on jainus.
    On isen we have chimera sphere no one even waste time to evolve a arrendal with that abbys comming on isen no one Will even have use for It im feel Sad to not see Wizards Berserkers Savages DK DS always Will have a class better than other but i think in terms of defense It could be more bad for example increase 80% in agi but decrease 40% of your PvP defense this make The class stronger and weak at same time for example
    This my opinion maybe this worth maybe not idk...But i know verry well they wont do It but my opinion os over here (bad english sorry).lmfao
    Isen - Lais SweetBaby Carol

  9. #9
    ya..... wiz and scout supposed to be the best pve class in rohan...because simply that the only thing they can do.

    i dont see a point of making them for real.... i make mine to test it after patch..... so disappointing

  10. #10
    I do agree that scout/wiz are pretty crappy in PVE, that is, for abyss/hero farm. The issue with those classes is that they are ranged and have AOE damage. You would need to change their skillset/buffs and apply changes that would only work for PVE, so that they deal high PVE damage but low-medium PVP damage. If you just buff their damage to infinity, they will AOE everything down before you can even get near them, which is something that has to be prevented.

    As for Wizard/Warlock, these classes are very versatile and certainly not useless in PVP. If you ask me wiz is equally usefull as support as for example a Rumir, same goes for warlocks. The problem is that like you said, everyone goes predator because all you need to do is click someone and auto attack it 3x and it's dead. 90% of the players in this game forgot how to use certain combos and forgot which classes/skills counter certain other classes/skills. Just because most players are just really bad at this game, doesn't mean those classes are equally bad, they are just wrongly used.

    As for Dragon Sage, braindead people focus on dhan because they think that it's ''easiest'' but dhan also need a full party around it to farm in the new spots. So that's not an excuse to not play sage or temp. I've said it many many times before, dragon sage has the highest potential as a PVE farmer it will beat every other class dps and defense wise except for a savage with all buffs. Opaniel wep will be fine on sage and you don't need the HP%.

    I reached 160k pdf/mdf, 1,5M melee and 14,5k intel on sage. These stats alone will block all critical damage from monsters (beside superior dung stage 11+) and will make you kill mobs very fast, even the normal hits from abyss mobs are low because of your insane pdf/mdf.

    There really isn't a single reason you can name why you couldn't reach these stats in ISEN, the only thing you guys lack vs jainus is the 100-120% HP boost on upg weapons. The melee % on opaniel weapons is better (upg zhen has 56% melee), the total amount of intel you can get is higher (Upg zhen doesn't give intel) so the effectiveness of crit immun/impen is even higher.

    The main reason why noone in isen made a max sage is because it's a small, stubborn and toxic communiny from which most players want to feel like special snowflakes that hate upgrades rather than to test things and actually play what's best. This isn't so much different from Jainus, be it that jainus is way more populated so some individuals will break the meta and try something new, which inspires others to do the same if it works.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
    Superiors - Guildmaster

    New/Returning Player Guide

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