Quote Originally Posted by D4rius View Post
What I want to say on this point is that no low population measures are taken on this server and there are no ways to raise the population there, or at least to be a merge like it was with Jin and Ran. And the lagg I want to announce that it insists especially in the moments when more players are in a same place, although there is little population, the possibilities to play in a war are very small because the lag affects a lot.
you of all people has been crying like a frigging baby for months on an end that rohan is ''dying'' so you best stfu coz nothing useful comes out of your posts. Beside that, having lagg issues is not so much related to the game but more to your PC and connection. Only on the first 1 or 2 PA's in Jainus on saturdays when it's REALLY crowded I experience some laggs but beside that it's absolutely fine. If you lagg like crazy in ISEN (which has a very low player base) It's really your own problem and not that of Rohan lmao.