I think the biggest conceptual change I've noticed is on the ranger. It's fundamentally different in how it's going to need to play, and while I think it will be a potent 1v1 class from its self-scaling and single-target utility, I see it bringing very little group support and overall a lot of frustration given the lack of WF. Looks kind of like a ranged str dhan, but not as good at outright killing tanks from a lack of MX.

There are definitely some viability issues with builds like int dekan being garbage at the moment, and I haven't looked into the giant, but so far everything seems pretty much conceptually the same. Avenger will probably be fine in high-level PvP. Just right now I think people are focused on amping their stats as much as possible to stay alive, and like the predator for Royal Mask and its AoE damage.

I am very miffed that instead of reworking separation/evolve they just allow it in evolve, now. Dekan and sepa builds have probably the coolest attack and movement animations in the game and now there's no reason to ever leave evolve at all :\