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  1. #1


    closed topik
    Last edited by kingzeus666; 02-13-2017 at 06:48 AM.

  2. #2
    I think you should talk it with the GMs.
    Well putting your Line ID in kiosk sounds suspicious.

  3. #3
    at least I've sent a ticket to the game master, but the same response "I do RMT", not based on strong evidence / without attaching proof that I do "RMT".

    Why do I want oral evidence?
    Because I was not doing the "RMT" referred to by the parties GAME MASTER.


  4. #4
    Yo, not sure this gonna help but there has been lots of threads where people get banned for doing RMT and yell around in the forum. From most of them, the reason GM banned the ids were cause of a "shady" trade of items from 1 char to another with different ip's for free (which is obviously RMT?), Do you reckon to have done some sort of a trade? Wish you luck mate.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Betcha can't find me
    Spamming the forums with this crap is pointless. If they bother to say anything more about it to you, they won't do it here.

    You were banned for RMT. They gave you a reason even though they are not required to do so. Respond to the ticket with your proof that you didn't. If you are lucky and they are in a generous mood they will review it.

    But don't count on it. They can ban you for any reason whatsoever and are not required to respond to you in any way if they do. It is right there in the ToC you agreed to when you made an account here. Count yourself lucky that they did bother to tell you it was for an RMT.

    Your choices:

    1. Get into a ticket discussion with them (again, they don't care about forums and won't respond in them) to plead your case and see if they will reinstate your account.
    2. Create a new account and don't get caught rmting again.
    3. Walk away and don't look back. warning though: Most, if not all online games have policies against doing RMT. You get caught doing that in those games you will get banned there as well.

  6. #6
    you just admitted yourself you are doing a RMT, so why do even bother arguing something that you yourself admitted

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Koncussion View Post
    Greetings Everyone,

    It appears that there has been an increase in Real Money Trade activity, which also may be referred to as, "RMT". This is not permitted in our game and it can cause a lot of problems for many players who get involved into transactions that result in real money being traded. With that said, we do not allow this and even if you discuss or have intentions to sell/buy items, this will result in an account closure. There will be no warnings, no second chances or special conditions that will allow your account to be active if we find your characters in violation. Please know that we do not promote this type of activity because it is not safe for the players and the game. Please do your best to avoid players who try to promote this behavior since it can put your account at risk. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding. Thank you!
    I think ur stall name said it all bro :/. Probabbly should be wiser next time ><

  8. #8
    I'm sorry to hear that, hope GM will help you

    English mu buruk nak, pake translate yak

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