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  1. #1

    Do Craftsmans get better item drop rate than other jobs?

    I have been wondering for a while if this is true?

  2. #2
    Conscript amalager's Avatar
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    Jun 2014
    Umbrella Corporation Research Facility
    Quote Originally Posted by SchwarzHertz View Post
    I have been wondering for a while if this is true?
    I used to believe the same thing as well. My first character in Seal is a craftsman, but later I found out that the drop rate doesn't have anything to do with the class. The reason why sometimes we don't get as much item drop is because of the Drop Penalty feature of Seal Online. You get the most drop when you fight monsters within your level. If you fight low-level monsters with a character that's Level 250, you won't get as much drop. I also noticed that lower-level monsters (below level 100) has a good drop rate unlike the ones above level 100.

    Amalager - Assassin
    Arus Server

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by amalager View Post
    I used to believe the same thing as well. My first character in Seal is a craftsman, but later I found out that the drop rate doesn't have anything to do with the class. The reason why sometimes we don't get as much item drop is because of the Drop Penalty feature of Seal Online. You get the most drop when you fight monsters within your level. If you fight low-level monsters with a character that's Level 250, you won't get as much drop. I also noticed that lower-level monsters (below level 100) has a good drop rate unlike the ones above level 100.

    I didn't believe that also, but until yesterday I met a craftsman player in a party who seeks 2 bundles of elements (40), while I'm only looking for a single bundle (20).
    (I was playing a mage.) He ended up getting 2 bundles of elements before I even complete finding my first bundle!
    Maybe he bought a drop rate boost? His level is 6 level lower than the monster, while I was 15 levels lower than the monster.

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