OK ,a long time ago I sent a ticket beacuse i never got pick for events ,and response was *events are first come first served basis*(but i know i pm u on time) .Well yesterday i was sitting here next to my brother i pmed Vasilisa for LMS ,event says first 30 players or 5 mins of registration ,guess what? ,I didnt got pick,i even pmed first than my brother ,we pmed her at the very moment her name was displayed and there were only 7 people on the LMS ,is that fair? is that FIRST COME ,FIRST SERVED BASIS? I think not...Well today i pmed Quinton for the mystery treasure event,guess what again? I didn't got pick,i pmed him as soon as his name was displayed and what is worst ,he even asked for 3 more players and just left me standing there...Am I weird or hated or my name is disgusting or something ???? Can any gm out there tell me why is this?