Quote Originally Posted by aliencreature View Post
I think the thread was deleted because it's full of drama and unnecessary. Most thread posters here say that the deleted thread was there to warn new comers but people should not be too dumb to know that sharing items or trading items in the game without being compensated is the stupidest thing to do. If you have missing items because you let someone borrow it, it's your fault because you're too naive and stupid. AND I think this thread will be deleted as well.
95% of the stuff on this forum is unnecessary and while you are right about things being peoples own fault that doesnt mean we as a community have to sit around and just be like "oh well, your own fault, deal with it". I for one, wont.

In the case with Lucas - he uses the good old "help a girl out" kind of scam. Much of the Rohan population are male and as a chick I know alot of those said males are flirts/ would do anything for some female attention and so on. Lucas uses that very thing to his advantage and plays the poor helpless girl to 1. gain friendship. 2 gain "trust" and 3. Gain items. And once he has them your screwed. Its been seen time and time again with this pathological liar. And if the Gms cant/ wont do anything about him, well no ones gonna stop me from trying.

AND if this thread gets deleted, I will make another and continue to do so.