I wake up to the tune of the Scottisch Death March, I grab my phone (still an S3, but hey what can I say? It's from work and for free - might receive the P8 huawei soon, though), slam the snooze button a couple of times and then start my usual morning routine.

It starts with consuming the first few Rohan Drama Pages, making some giggles and enthusiastically typing some remarks left and right. Since the forums aren't quite as active as before, this hardly fills my time so I get to browse the local newspaper to read through the deathpage, gotta know if someone died, right? Skimming over the traffic accidents, IS bombings and terror alarms - I then get up to shower, brush my teeth and go out.

I say hi to my neighbour who's been sitting in that chair for the past three months. I mean, literally, he hasn't even moved. I must admit that it gets slightly creepy, now that you can start seeing his eyesockets and all that. Anyways, i get in my car and try to overrun the other neighbours cat. The bugger always escapes me, but one can always try right?

By the time I arrive at work, having cursed every other dimwit fool that can't drive (there are a lot, y'know), I am in such a good mood that I can finally stomach my first coffee.

Black, if you needed asking.
Pinch of salt, too. The best recipe to get salty enough to deal with the daily jogtrot of dealing with customers and these so called 'workers'. Should I fire him today? Or enjoy the time barking a while more until there's someone else in the spot?

Choices, so hard to make on an empty stomach.