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  1. #1

    Play seal blade of destiny on mac :D

    Dear all of player and GM,

    i want to ask, can i play seal on my macbook? because for now still use my office laptop which is not good for me

    want to play it with mac operating system, not with windows yea.. so if someone give the answer just install windows on my mac, that's not the conclusion

    had search over google, but no answer

    hope the GM have the installer on mac will be very helpful

    if not... seems like i have to install windows on my mac

    thanks you

  2. #2
    Best send a ticket mate. You'd get a much faster response there than in here.
    Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come

  3. #3

    Vudanshi stole my item(murim gambler XG+7)

    Dear Game Master,
    my nickname is Rottenman i played on duran server. I want to ask you're help about a theft who take my item. His nickname is Vudanshi. at first he shout in elim that he sell blessed diamond, and i want to buy it. When we met he say that i only have to give hin 2 diamond and the item i want to refine cause he will be the one who will refine it. He also say that i have to pay after the item is refined but after he took my item he never comeback. I really need you're help in this case because whitout my item ( murim gambler XG+7 wood) i can't hunt anymore. Please help me, at least so that my item back.
    Best Regards

  4. #4

    Please send us a ticket regarding this issue, so we can better assist you.

    To send a ticket, please follow the "Support" link at the top of this site.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    use bootcamp.. btw if you wanna game, buy a new laptop with windows and make sure u are getting a laptop with a good GPU.. dont waste ur time gaming on macs.

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