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  1. #9
    Thank you all for the feedback.

    After few more hours ingame I yea have found out that it is hardly anything like RBF: items, prices, mobs, even map is different as i remember. I have been away from this game that i don't even know how most mechanics work... boosting? forging has changed? some kind of tokens you can buy stuff for?

    "I shall be forever known as the guy who didn't play scout class!!!"
    Still pushing for guardian/defender and went 1Dex 3Vit, seems to hold its own against mobs at least. Managed to get 30+ last night by following main quest. Equipment is nothing to speak of, as my main stat is Vit seems i can put less effort on equipment at lower levels.

    - Whats with that +1 to +10 stuff? where and how or when should i start looking into it? I know its basic stuff but... I need to know... "Back in my days we had option stones!"

    - What is this boosting stuff? How does it work? (also thanks for the offer GMElite, be careful what you promise, might abuse you in future ) Boosting used to be party grinds with scrolls back in my days...??

    - Quicky: Where to get some low lvl ring and bracers for early lvls str/vit/dex?

    - Now the important question, how do I farm crones or items that i could sell for crones? Found some repeatable quest that give me 500 crones per run, ill be rich by year 2078. Everything i loot is worth about 50 crones...

    Quote Originally Posted by MrPanix View Post
    Just joined, huh... Could always look for a guild also. Sadistic is helpful.
    Ill start looking into Guilds when time is right and i actually can contribute to Guild. *Sadistic noted*

    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    ...I also suggest to follow a quick course Indonesian, if you haven't had any yet so far.
    Im all about Indonesian... wait... you don't mean food?

    Quote Originally Posted by xXxAurorAxXx View Post
    I should tell you, your "Ex" is a needy attention whore who will demand all of your time, energy and commitment and will give very little back - mentally, physically and emotionally. Your "Ex" will suck out your soul like only the best of energy vampires can do and trust me, this particular "ex" is the master of energy vampires. Be prepared as you walk this path, but go forth with my wise words. You have been warned. Nps!

    Untill she doesn't sparkle..... OOOoouu wait, damit
    Last edited by Lohend; 06-28-2017 at 12:30 AM.

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