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  1. #81
    Hehe i have my own house and bills that i have to pay.. and a gf cost monny to xD so that means i cant pay myself to the top like you or other ppl here.. a few weeks ago i bought a hp zhen and yeah i was happy with it.. but now... it was better to put the cash in the toilet.. it was a waste like manny times and do i ever see that monny again? No because it crap now after that update...

  2. #82
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTuramus View Post
    Hehe i have my own house and bills that i have to pay.. and a gf cost monny to xD so that means i cant pay myself to the top like you or other ppl here.. a few weeks ago i bought a hp zhen and yeah i was happy with it.. but now... it was better to put the cash in the toilet.. it was a waste like manny times and do i ever see that monny again? No because it crap now after that update...
    I've payed maybe 50 bucks in all the time I played rohan and I had a vit dekan with close to 500k hp(full buffs) in the past which did not have all maxed out items.....

    The decisions (+ some luck) decide if you get rich, you need to sell your items at the right moment and buy new ones at the right moment too....I've had times in which I lost 10-20k ecash just because of updates or server merges. Other times I got a 4x upgraded weapon as drop while pking or made a good deal and got 10-20k back...

    Your hp zhen is fine because you can still easily grind with your dekan and get it to +50 which will take years anyway lel. You also don't know what future updates will bring thus maybe increasing or dropping the price of your zhen further.....
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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  3. #83
    I agree with you and lets wait wat will come if i dont like it i can always quit xD

  4. #84
    So do you guys think that this is the end of days for Dekans, or do we have people overreacting some?

  5. #85
    Squire Kraszer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karazy1337 View Post
    So do you guys think that this is the end of days for Dekans, or do we have people overreacting some?
    They can't understand that dekan hasn't been touched yet besides the new OP skill which reflect the dmg xd But as far as I know they are going to touch str dekan mostly. No changes for ffs/wffs/dffs, or if they gonna change the vit skills it may affect DD somehow.
    Retired/Quit status.

  6. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Karazy1337 View Post
    So do you guys think that this is the end of days for Dekans, or do we have people overreacting some?
    People are overreacting.

  7. #87
    Colonel FrontlinerCDV's Avatar
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    One of Linn`s boys doing the dirty job for her
    Can't believe how this game is still going, there's classes that can one-hit anything that isn't full-vit, there's classes that can reach 100% DD, there's classes that can dish out 10k DPS solo easily if the target has less than 95% DD. How can anyone play this? Someone presses a button, dead, someone takes no damage from me, dead, etc.

    Karazy, if you ask me personally as a(former) veteran endgame PvPer, the game has been beyond salvation for a couple of years now, whatever you choose to buff or nerf is not going to achieve anything but make a few people happy. Maybe you're in for an analogy: You're bringing a bucket of water in order to extinguish a burning skyscraper. Except PWI in the meantime has switched the water in the bucket for some jet fuel - i.e. people have been asking for nerfs instead PWI released IM stuff that was better than the best **** you could get ingame(dunno if that's still the case). Frankly, everything in the game from and after Ronelia(!) requires a rework or overhaul to actually balance the game and almost everything out of the game has to go. Permanently. Fire trucks, Karazy. Not buckets.

    PS: Worry not, I know nobody from the management would actually listen to such an idea and thus I really don't care whether or not you "forward it to your superiors". I know how they do it:
    "Let's make 5k Int Stones for Temps, they don't hit enough thus we're losing customers."
    "And make Blunt Mastery ignore DD while you're at it."
    "Don't forget to add 2k attack."

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Karazy1337 View Post
    So do you guys think that this is the end of days for Dekans, or do we have people overreacting some?
    Over reacting...at least wait until the rest of the patches before QQ fest. It might might not even matter if blunt doesn't get nerfed, game still be broke as **** lol.

  9. #89
    Quote Originally Posted by Karazy1337 View Post
    So do you guys think that this is the end of days for Dekans, or do we have people overreacting some?
    People that don't know enough about the game are over reacting. Dekan (Dragon Sage +20 or more) is currently the most OP class in game. If you don't believe me, check Ahriman playing at PA....You'll see him doing Reverse Scale and killing everything that hits him lol.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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  10. #90
    Quote Originally Posted by FrontlinerCDV View Post
    Can't believe how this game is still going, there's classes that can one-hit anything that isn't full-vit, there's classes that can reach 100% DD, there's classes that can dish out 10k DPS solo easily if the target has less than 95% DD. How can anyone play this? Someone presses a button, dead, someone takes no damage from me, dead, etc.

    Karazy, if you ask me personally as a(former) veteran endgame PvPer, the game has been beyond salvation for a couple of years now, whatever you choose to buff or nerf is not going to achieve anything but make a few people happy. Maybe you're in for an analogy: You're bringing a bucket of water in order to extinguish a burning skyscraper. Except PWI in the meantime has switched the water in the bucket for some jet fuel - i.e. people have been asking for nerfs instead PWI released IM stuff that was better than the best **** you could get ingame(dunno if that's still the case). Frankly, everything in the game from and after Ronelia(!) requires a rework or overhaul to actually balance the game and almost everything out of the game has to go. Permanently. Fire trucks, Karazy. Not buckets.

    PS: Worry not, I know nobody from the management would actually listen to such an idea and thus I really don't care whether or not you "forward it to your superiors". I know how they do it:
    "Let's make 5k Int Stones for Temps, they don't hit enough thus we're losing customers."
    "And make Blunt Mastery ignore DD while you're at it."
    "Don't forget to add 2k attack."
    Can see you are a retired veteran player, you are not correctly informed at all. There are multiple viable classes, people don't ''1 shot'' eachother anymore. With the current focus being team based pvp you can get a 55% attack boost from party auras. with the +20 skills which for some classes are also party buffs you can get even more including more pdf/critrate/hp etc. Guardians are very strong, templars are strong, dragon sage is VERY strong, defenders do heaps of damage as well, Noirs are (when played correctly) really OP as well, Str dhans can still kill everything 1 vs 1 with silence and their DD pen skill(Okay maybe Rumir is hard to kill, in general all vit classes like priest/vit def/rumir got buffed). Ranger WILL be OP considdering their 230% + 250% accumulating damage boost on Siege Shot and +20 skill. Basically all the classes that were patched/are getting patched are good. DD changed as well and it's better to use dagger or mace and shield rather than dual wield atm.

    The increasing variety in pvp is already noticable, past classes that were only deemed as buffer are now actually popular and people play them. To have guild war/boss war or PA you actually need more than just temps and priests and a vit def.

    Instead of repeating stuff that people have been saying for years, you should go online and check for yourself or don't say anything at all.
    Last edited by White Arctic Fox; 12-24-2015 at 09:14 PM.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
    Superiors - Guildmaster

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