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  1. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by RBNXD View Post
    I do agree that this abuses have to stop but there are other ways to stop them. Like character bound prices, controlling the access to said inventories based on IP and or activity etc etc.
    Well its not like it affects me actually I can live with this changes but some players will be sad, unable to change names and gender freely without loosing a lot of the hard worked stuff they got or cash items :l
    Exactly, nothing wrong with stopping abusers but they way it's executed is retarded. Like my previous post I showed multiple ways to stop this problem without deleting cash items. The deleting cash item rule hasn't got that much to do with abuse and much more with the fact that PWI wants to empty cashcows and delete stat inflation items so people will pay more $ to gain them back.

    Same for Multi-logging people in events. What does a change in prize change? it doesn't adress the problem, people can still Multi-log and will still do so if they want. They just gave it **** rewards because people will spend $ to buy good items instead of not spending anything and trying to win it at an event. They make up bullsh1t storys about abuse and then don't even adress the abuse, they only find a way to try and generate more income while f***ing over their players.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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  2. #72
    I'm wondering what Karazy has to say about all this, will he reply with something usefull(I doubt it because he can't go in vs. his GM teams wishes to milk the players dry) or will he let this rage on till it's enough according to his opinion and it gets too ''negative'' and close the thread . I first thought that Karazy would bring a change and I believed that for awhile but I was ignorant, I should've known after 7 years that no matter which person they make a GM the whole system of PWI/YNK is/was so rotten that even the (if they will be perfect) class balancing updates won't save it.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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  3. #73
    Guardian of Knowledge RBNXD's Avatar
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    Oct 2012
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    Quote Originally Posted by snipers334 View Post
    I'm wondering what Karazy has to say about all this, will he reply with something usefull(I doubt it because he can't go in vs. his GM teams wishes to milk the players dry) or will he let this rage on till it's enough according to his opinion and it gets too ''negative'' and close the thread . I first thought that Karazy would bring a change and I believed that for awhile but I was ignorant, I should've known after 7 years that no matter which person they make a GM the whole system of PWI/YNK is/was so rotten that even the (if they will be perfect) class balancing updates won't save it.
    I can see what you're trying to do here xD
    Hopefully it will work...
    LacieLane 135 Wizard
    Priestess 128 Priest


  4. #74
    Quote Originally Posted by brujohechizero View Post
    And forum campers insulting me because I was talking about the service -____-, I totally undertsand u, is ridiculous, paying real money and they dont restore -__-
    The only thing we can assure that is to try it... O_o -_-
    Lost roaming around as Ghost
    "Don't take it as a reason,

    take it as a compliment,"

  5. #75
    Quote Originally Posted by RBNXD View Post
    I can see what you're trying to do here xD
    Hopefully it will work...
    You should check my Thread ''Some Advice For New Players'' xD
    Salve - Dragon Sage
    Superiors - Guildmaster

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  6. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by snipers334 View Post
    You should check my Thread ''Some Advice For New Players'' xD
    They changed the restoration policy

  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by aliencreature View Post
    I just read it, seems my (and others who felt the same) complains have been heared, I didn't expect this LOL. I'm so happy I can restore my items . Just wow...
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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  8. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by snipers334 View Post
    I'm wondering what Karazy has to say about all this, will he reply with something usefull(I doubt it because he can't go in vs. his GM teams wishes to milk the players dry) or will he let this rage on till it's enough according to his opinion and it gets too ''negative'' and close the thread . I first thought that Karazy would bring a change and I believed that for awhile but I was ignorant, I should've known after 7 years that no matter which person they make a GM the whole system of PWI/YNK is/was so rotten that even the (if they will be perfect) class balancing updates won't save it.
    I happen to think actions speak louder than words.:3 We had some issues with people trying to take advantage of the system, but I think now we have taken steps to prevent this abuse. It's about trust, and I've told you guys that I am here for you. We want to provide a great experience for our players; I've told you that time and time again, and my story hasn't changed. Please enjoy the original restoration policy for now. We are revising it and looking to change it to a system where we can still provide our players with assistance, but not let the people that deliberately took advantage of the system continue any longer. Your input on that has been appreciated, and I welcome more ideas on what the community thinks would work.

  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by Karazy1337 View Post
    I happen to think actions speak louder than words.:3 We had some issues with people trying to take advantage of the system, but I think now we have taken steps to prevent this abuse. It's about trust, and I've told you guys that I am here for you. We want to provide a great experience for our players; I've told you that time and time again, and my story hasn't changed. Please enjoy the original restoration policy for now. We are revising it and looking to change it to a system where we can still provide our players with assistance, but not let the people that deliberately took advantage of the system continue any longer. Your input on that has been appreciated, and I welcome more ideas on what the community thinks would work.
    Actions do speak louder, Just like my previous posts said I totally agree that if any abuse is undertaken it should be stopped but NEVER at the cost of your players. Also just not restoring cash items was plain.....weird and did not solve the actual issue. I'm happy to see that it is revised and other options are looked at. I do however want to ask why doesn't the GM team involve their players more. I know there are quite some wackjobs around but there are also quite some people at this forum that often have good ideas. If feedback was asked from the players about things like this abuse I'm sure suggestions would pop up that make sense. This would give people a heads up that something has to/is going to change and it would also help your team because you'd have a free think-tank that could come up with ideas you guys maybe didn't think of.

    Involving the players in the decisions making process is what will give them more faith in the managment of this game and will probably improve the game play as well as make the work for the GMs easier. And in the end your team will have the final word in the argument so to me this seems like a win-win situation.....

    I have permanent trust issues with the GMs of this game, as you noticed I guess.....Throughout the time I played I've seen so many bad things happen that I lost faith. As a dutch saying goes: Trust comes walking but leaves running and hell it ran for a long time.

    I thank you (and your team) however for your reply and for revising the policy I'm really happy I'll get my stuff back
    Salve - Dragon Sage
    Superiors - Guildmaster

    New/Returning Player Guide

  10. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by Karazy1337 View Post
    I happen to think actions speak louder than words.:3 We had some issues with people trying to take advantage of the system, but I think now we have taken steps to prevent this abuse. It's about trust, and I've told you guys that I am here for you. We want to provide a great experience for our players; I've told you that time and time again, and my story hasn't changed. Please enjoy the original restoration policy for now. We are revising it and looking to change it to a system where we can still provide our players with assistance, but not let the people that deliberately took advantage of the system continue any longer. Your input on that has been appreciated, and I welcome more ideas on what the community thinks would work.
    Maybe just make something like we have wardrobe for costumes? so ppl before using special services can load all items there so u dont need to restore anything?

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