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  1. #71
    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    Basically, how would you want your fix?

    As I gather now, you want everything fixed first and only then dekans. So you can sit on your throne a little while longer.
    In other words, you don't actually care about balancing - as long as it doesn't make dekans any weaker.

    Now, as I understood.. this "balancing" (i'll leave it in the midst in how far it will actually make a difference in the end), is happening in several patches. Therefore, classes will continue to be this unbalanced until they all have been patched. Meaning, some classes getting a nerf now - might just end up being good enough after the rest had got their nerfs as well.

    I'm just going on on a hunch here, but that's how normal balancing patches work.
    We can all agree that the classes will not suddenly, after 8 years, be 100% balanced or even 90% balanced. However, some more class diversity and meaning to both these classes and pvp in general would be nice.

    The fact that people actually have 300k hp, is everything that's wrong here. The fact that 40k is considered low, is what is wrong.
    The enormous gap between IM and non-IM players, is what is wrong.

    Appart from their crazy scaling blunt mastery - templars aren't unfixedly unbalanced. Take away blunt mastery scale and you have a rather well rounded class that's still heftily good at what it does. Debuffable reflect and all that jazz isn't a bad change at all.
    What IS wrong, however, is the extreme scaling of stats, hp and "pure" melee/defense compared to "inflated", which is NOT limited to templars only. Why would it be a good idea for anyone to hit over idk? 3-5-10k main stat and still having a few k in other stats?

    Str dekan could get the highest melee of the classes, yet it did/does the lowest dps. Where's the logic in that?

    Basics of MMO:
    - high dmg = low defense
    - low dmg = high defense and/or support (CC / healing / buffing)
    - good dmg = good defense

    Why would it be a good idea to have a vit class (high defense equals high hp in rohan) doing so much spike damage in the first place?

    well i just follow karazy and irene words,they said everybody will have a chance in pvp,but there is noway skill based classes can beat regular damage based classes,one has cd others you can do 5 hit in 1 sec thats what im talking about,we always talking about too much all stat and op items,we never talk about insane atack speed.

  2. #72
    Why are all you people complaining about classes that did not have their balance patch yet? Everyone knows by now that pretty much every class will get a rework so why not wait till it's here and then make drama about the changes rather than speculating about hot air beforehand?

    The whole point of this patch and the comming patches seems to be to make every class viable and making pvp about PARTYS with variating classes (self buffed but with party auras) to counter/fight eachother.

    The only thing I could complain about is that they did not patch everything at once but smaller patches, which is presumable to test the effect of one of their patches first before they nuke the server with one huge patch that (might) turn out to be a total failure and give rohan the final blow.

    Instead of complaining about how sh1t your current class is or about how you want to play an OP class, just wait and see what the next patches bring. Gather information about bugs and supply the GM's with that info to fix these things as soon as possible.

    Everyone has been crying (including me) for years to balance rohan, now they finally started doing so and everyone loses their minds.....Just chill, watch what the updates bring, play the class you ENJOY playing (almost all of them will change anyway) and most of all use your frigging brains for once and think before you spread a storm of nonsense on the forums.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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  3. #73
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YuMadBro View Post
    well i just follow karazy and irene words,they said everybody will have a chance in pvp,but there is noway skill based classes can beat regular damage based classes,one has cd others you can do 5 hit in 1 sec thats what im talking about,we always talking about too much all stat and op items,we never talk about insane atack speed.
    Dragon sages and esp. sepa dekans have insane attack speed - I don't see them anywhere, do you?
    Attack speed is nothing with the aforementioned damages, which are a direct result of all attack/OP items. If you, however combine the two items you go from crazy OP to borderline OP.
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  4. #74
    Still, I don't know why ppl think it's normal for a class (templar) to hit 30-40k regular damage with like 50-60% attack speed... this means like 100k damage each second... fkin ridiculous
    While another class (dragon knight) only hit 100k damage in 10-15 seconds... now 40k in 10-15 seconds with new patch... that's bullsh1t
    The ratio must be seriously reviewed!
    FYI: pic showned isn't in PA
    xHELLDEVILx lvl 115 (+10) Dragon Knight
    Guild : looking for it
    "Born from Hell to incarnate your worst nightmares"

  5. #75
    yeah 6k damage with my wffs on a guardian ,,, lol and my is skill +7 and have 120k hp LOL

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by snipers334 View Post
    Why are all you people complaining about classes that did not have their balance patch yet? Everyone knows by now that pretty much every class will get a rework so why not wait till it's here and then make drama about the changes rather than speculating about hot air beforehand?

    The whole point of this patch and the comming patches seems to be to make every class viable and making pvp about PARTYS with variating classes (self buffed but with party auras) to counter/fight eachother.

    The only thing I could complain about is that they did not patch everything at once but smaller patches, which is presumable to test the effect of one of their patches first before they nuke the server with one huge patch that (might) turn out to be a total failure and give rohan the final blow.

    Instead of complaining about how sh1t your current class is or about how you want to play an OP class, just wait and see what the next patches bring. Gather information about bugs and supply the GM's with that info to fix these things as soon as possible.

    Everyone has been crying (including me) for years to balance rohan, now they finally started doing so and everyone loses their minds.....Just chill, watch what the updates bring, play the class you ENJOY playing (almost all of them will change anyway) and most of all use your frigging brains for once and think before you spread a storm of nonsense on the forums.
    Yes. For now I'm just glad they buffed a couple weaker classes, made a universal change to heroic power that will slow the pace of the game down a bit, and seem to be moving in a direction of diverse parties vs a couple OP classes and buffers at safe zones.

  7. #77
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTuramus View Post
    yeah 6k damage with my wffs on a guardian ,,, lol and my is skill +7 and have 120k hp LOL
    having 120k hp as a lvl 110+ vit dekan is.....really bad, you should have at least 400k+ lol
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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  8. #78
    Quote Originally Posted by Gank83 View Post
    Yes. For now I'm just glad they buffed a couple weaker classes, made a universal change to heroic power that will slow the pace of the game down a bit, and seem to be moving in a direction of diverse parties vs a couple OP classes and buffers at safe zones.
    Exactly and more patches are comming, the whole discussion about wffs/dffs is pointless because dekans haven't had their balance patch yet and whatever info you post here, by the time the koreans will get it, they probably already implemented their dekan patch there lel.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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  9. #79
    Quote Originally Posted by snipers334 View Post
    having 120k hp as a lvl 110+ vit dekan is.....really bad, you should have at least 400k+ lol
    depends if he's self buffed or fully buffed, self buffed i have around 200k hp, with full buffs ye around 4xxk hp
    FYI: pic showned isn't in PA
    xHELLDEVILx lvl 115 (+10) Dragon Knight
    Guild : looking for it
    "Born from Hell to incarnate your worst nightmares"

  10. #80
    Quote Originally Posted by Franky1991 View Post
    depends if he's self buffed or fully buffed, self buffed i have around 200k hp, with full buffs ye around 4xxk hp
    Even selfbuffed 120k is very poor hp for that lvl.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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