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  1. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinJoe View Post
    Well, if I put up a portal stone on EM for 10K and you buy it, I doubt very much I will be complaining to the GM that I was cheated or sniped now would I. THAT is the difference.
    or would you? You have been in this game/forum long enouhg to know that ALOT of people like reporting people and get them banned for fun, Problem still remains the same dude

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by aliencreature View Post
    LOL! Now what OP? Care to explain it via ticket? I often see this in every gaming community, those people who are complaining and claiming innocent are those that are really guilty of something. Most of the time, accounts will get locked because you got reported, you did something fishy, you violated the tos and many negative things you could think of. Enough with the "Power tripping" mentality against the GM's. I mean what would they get from banning accounts senselessly? Aside from investigating it the whole day and adding another pile of work to their busy schedules? I'm sadden to see that only few people here like PJ understand the drill.
    It's because in the past people who duped crap, hacked, cheated and other things GOT AWAY with it. Legitly I know cases from the past that should be permabanned more than once and they were not. This was with different GM's in a different time but people don't forget this easily. Trust comes on foot but leaves on horseback, and in the past it seems like it was rather like it comes on foot and leaves by an F1 car.

    From a rational point of view there is no point in banning innocent players ofcourse, only gives the GMs trouble same as not banning players who cheat and cause trouble. It has however been proven in the past that not everything is so ''rational''.

    Thus the devided opinions. And then you also have the people (a la moi) that just laugh at people getting rekt.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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  3. #43
    It wasnt even 10 seconds karazy, it was maximun 5 seconds cause i was talking to my irl friend to be ready for the purchase and i told him when i uploaded exactly when. I didn't tell anyone else and i was gonna transfer it to my Main account which is this one. And on top of it was a ****ing person from Isen lol buying my transfer char within less then 5 seconds i mean wtf.
    Best templar in the whole server, the one and only FateGod

  4. #44
    Well, that's mean for sure. I wouldn't take the risk on such a high lvl char though x.X
    I wonder how he got banned. Did you report him or was the transaction monitored by GMs anyway?

    They should offer a service to trade chars on own accounts - would make life easier.
    Last edited by knuffl88; 05-18-2016 at 06:55 AM.

  5. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by aliencreature View Post
    LOL! Now what OP? Care to explain it via ticket? I often see this in every gaming community, those people who are complaining and claiming innocent are those that are really guilty of something. Most of the time, accounts will get locked because you got reported, you did something fishy, you violated the tos and many negative things you could think of. Enough with the "Power tripping" mentality against the GM's. I mean what would they get from banning accounts senselessly? Aside from investigating it the whole day and adding another pile of work to their busy schedules? I'm sadden to see that only few people here like PJ understand the drill.
    when i played air rivals me and my friends got a total of 9 accounts banned - 5 mine, 4 friends. i was the main target but they banned my friends too because they allowed me access to their accounts. yes sharing accounts is considered illegal but that's not the reason they ban people. air rivals is hosted by gameforge a company in germany and when it comes to germans i only have bad things to say. if you go to their forum the GMs have "ban hammer" avatars they simply enjoy making people's lives as miserable as they can get. it's genetic i think

  6. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by gunwind View Post
    if you go to their forum the GMs have "ban hammer" avatars they simply enjoy making people's lives as miserable as they can get. it's genetic i think
    well, not really. The GMs of gameforge don't visit the forum. They can only be contacted via support-function. Forum mods =/= GM. Just saying.

  7. #47
    Ofcourse i reported him, hes from isen he cant possibly know that im putting it up on EM to transfer noone knew, most likely hes useing some program to snipe on EM cause this purchase was way to fast to be legally lol.
    Best templar in the whole server, the one and only FateGod

  8. #48
    Ah okay. Would be kind of cool if they would track stuff like that automatically. Gz on getting your char back anyway (and the rps I hope).

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Betcha can't find me
    Quote Originally Posted by Karazy1337 View Post
    A player listed a 115+50 character with the intention of moving it to another account ( This is a safe assumption ) for 1k RPs. 10 seconds later, the character was bought by said whining "innocent player". 30 minutes later, the whining "innocent player" sells the character he paid 1k RPs for, back to the original player for 35k RPs, with the title "back ur char ty". I can only imagine what you players discussed offline, but for you to take someone's character you KNOW spent a lot of time and money on the game, buy it (Never mind how quickly it was purchased, Banana might know a thing or 2 about bot scripts on the EM..hit me up if you would like Mark, I want to know more about that in general, to check and see if that was what this guy was doing or not..), hold it for ransom, and then sell it back at an insane profit is completely unacceptable. This is not "being a smart business man", that is taking advantage of someone. There are many players who buy things at discount and then relist them profitably, but what you are doing is at a Martin Shkreli level of greed and no, that is not okay. Would you like to buy an account un-ban? We might sell you back your account 35x what it's worth. That's just good business according to you, right? ;P

    I'm just kidding, you're banned, and we would LOVE a ticket response back from you to continue our investigation.

    I always find it amusing when the people I ban come onto the forums and post about it. Maybe I am (kinda) lucky with a semi-jaded community, because you guys never buy into whatever they are pushing, always asking questions they avoid answering and generally dismantling their argument before I even get to read it! It really makes me happy, and just fills me with more excitement as we continue to work on improving the game in the various ways we can. Thanks for the smiles on this busy Tuesday maintenance!
    I kinda thought this was the case. Snatching that character Fate though. That was nasty in the extreme and incredibly stupid of the original owner to list at 1K RPs. But as I told the folks here that even out even though shady EM transactions or sniping is not covered explicitly in the ToS, harming or interfering with other players most definitely is - not onlyu here but in the ToS of just about every MMO game out there.

    @Karazy1337 - I'll send you a PM later on how folks can do automated EM sniping. It's not hard, and something you can defeat easily without some rework of your EM. I think I can come up with a few ideas on how to reduce it to a minimum - or even eliminate it.

  10. #50
    I mean if im talking with my irl on Skype and im telling him to be ready to buy it and i said outloud that its up and this person sniped it in 1 second literally

    Sure im nob for putting it up for 1,1k rps but i never had any issues until this sniper nob
    Best templar in the whole server, the one and only FateGod

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