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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by DeadMansEnd View Post
    To Adress somethings in this Post:

    Repeatables Quest: They Start at lvl 31, recently hit that and well yeah they are there. Nothing impressiv thou.
    Lack of PortalStones: You can teleport around just by opening map and clicking on desired spot. Want Altar of Roha? click on it it will tell you a Price in crones.
    Quest = no Grinding : thats pretty wrong you can grind at a desired spot for xp and do quest after wards for rewards the quest it self never gives much XP just about 2-10%. Only Rewards like 100% Ses make it worth.
    No Ahkma, No Dungeons: You havent checked the map then. Ahkma is there on 2nd map equal each Race( lvl 16-28 Mobs inside). Other Dungeon are also on Other maps.
    That's good to see things improve a bit as one levels up. I didn't even think to click the map to teleport. And here I've been running around lol.

    The early game still not having them makes things go a little bit slowly, especially as far as getting money is concerned for forging. My criticism with Ahkma was mostly just the fact the location changed from WH. There wasn't much of a reason to have the move happen.

    Quote Originally Posted by xXxAurorAxXx View Post
    I havent had a chance to look around, but do we have a magic shop npc here?

    Edit, the npc that you can buy items with "magic" stats I mean
    The merchants in the major cities default to magic items. I don't think you can buy outright vanilla ones.

  2. #22
    Colonel xXxAurorAxXx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tenten008 View Post
    it is , but now at forger npc after 3x -4x lvl weps need more 30 000 crones / 1 mobs for that lvl drop like 300 crones / to kill that moob need 5 hits or less ......but if u like it and have time , its good to try it
    Quote Originally Posted by soulholder View Post
    That's good to see things improve a bit as one levels up. I didn't even think to click the map to teleport. And here I've been running around lol.

    The early game still not having them makes things go a little bit slowly, especially as far as getting money is concerned for forging. My criticism with Ahkma was mostly just the fact the location changed from WH. There wasn't much of a reason to have the move happen.

    The merchants in the major cities default to magic items. I don't think you can buy outright vanilla ones.
    Yeap, I found it and saw, ty.

    Can anyone tell me how to access my "piggy bank" plz. ty

    Nvm, that, I was told, ty
    Last edited by xXxAurorAxXx; 03-31-2017 at 07:48 AM.

    When you wake up..
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    But that's ok.
    We are all stories in the end.

    Just make it a good one eh?
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    ~ The Doctor.

    MsAbella ~ Priest

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by xXxAurorAxXx View Post
    Yeap, I found it and saw, ty.

    Can anyone tell me how to access my "piggy bank" plz. ty
    You gotta make that oink oink noise pigs make at your screen XD
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
    The bad that I see nobody talking about: lvl 7 heroic power

    Why is this a thing? if you dont got lvl 7 heroic you cant pvp you are literally putting the most important skill in the game behind a paywall which is absurd. They should scale it back to 5 and remove the ses/ases slot from it.

    Having said that this whole game seems really really really slow. I mean we have not hit endgame yet but getting a weapon with decent stats seems to be a shot in the dark and without dd who knows whats gonna happen.
    Heroic is heroically nerfed. All you get is 15% PvP (NOT PvE) defence at lvl 7. It ain't worth **** if you are trying to farm (which is an absolute must).

    Quote Originally Posted by snipers334 View Post
    You gotta make that oink oink noise pigs make at your screen XD
    The more realistic the oink, the faster it opens.

  5. #25
    There are many changes that need to happen to the game that I need a couple walls of text to cover. Most important change is the removal of the lvl 7 heroic power, capping it at 5 and rescaling it. Class balance is also a huge problem, many classes are missing their self buffs or lost them completely! (like defenders).

    @Old man: we are farming to start killing each other you of all people should know how important it is that heroic power not be put behind a paywall.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
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  6. #26
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    But Heroic as it stands now really ain't worth much even at lvl 7 in PvP. 15% isn't much difference between one hit or two.

    You will get more value out of the weapon enhancer. Nice that you don't have to get crystals to use it.

  7. #27
    The HP defense is nerfed, but so are most skills. Weapon Masteries are much closer to beta R:BF and are still lower, pushing only the 20% areas at 7 as well. The stat tightness is actually quite nice since it really empowers strategic planning with one's build much more so than before. As mentioned, however, my big concern with skills still lays in that I think there is too much emphasis kn level 7's across the board over 6's. This is especially apparent in skills like Crit Shot which are now sub-100% until 7,unlike before. Lack of reliability on minor skills isn't a good thing to leave running rampant; it's just unfun in the end. Unless 7 stones are made very, very cheap, I can see this as being very problematic due to the sheer cost of maintaining them proving not worthwhile.

  8. #28
    How about?

    Debuffs actually debuff any buff atm (instead of only defensive buffs like reflect/stone skin/roha blessing and so on) which is BS if you ask me.

    Beside that, Giants can snatch and stack buffs with pillage and warlocks can snatch and stack buffs as well.

    This is enough to totally ruin endgame pvp if you ask me, if it stays like this, I'll play the anus server rather than ORIGIN.

    - Snatch and pillage get a 30 minute CD, you can snatch 1 buff with a 100% chance at lvl 7 the buff duration will be 60 minutes
    - debuff from mages/elves will only debuff things like: mirror, reflect, roha blessing, stone skin etc. etc. (basically any buff with a duration shorter than 20 sec that is focused on reflecting cc or resisting cc etc.)

    If these things are not implemented then you'll see endgame pvp between fully snached warlocks and Giants with a lot of lowbie debuffers running around to debuff everything. Beside that classes that rely on buffs like ranger/scout/guard/defender/dhan/dekan will all get f*cked because they gonna get debuffed all the time.
    Last edited by White Arctic Fox; 03-31-2017 at 11:18 AM.
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  9. #29
    Colonel xXxAurorAxXx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snipers334 View Post
    You gotta make that oink oink noise pigs make at your screen XD
    hahaha this games got us making farm animal impersonations.

    First the chicken "bok bok" and now "oink oink" ;p

    When you wake up..
    I'll be a story in your head,
    But that's ok.
    We are all stories in the end.

    Just make it a good one eh?
    Because it was, you know.
    It was the best.

    ~ The Doctor.

    MsAbella ~ Priest

  10. #30
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    Just as an aside I managed to get the crones out of my pig (no "oink!" needed ). Any copper keys you find are now actually useful!
    Last edited by PenguinJoe; 04-01-2017 at 08:44 AM.

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