Well seems like I found a spot where he isn't checking around. Went to work 2 days in a row and came back alive (and the chars as well). Winwin!
LacieLane 135 Wizard
Priestess 128 Priest
Well I saw him once killing HK mode players, and he participates in LMS...
Lost roaming around as Ghost
"Don't take it as a reason,
take it as a compliment,"
Salve - Dragon Sage
Superiors - Guildmaster
New/Returning Player Guide
knuffl88 is real rmt killer he just need find in real that guy and for some ittems he will "clear" him from 2 worlds forever haha :P
^ can someone please translate that into English please? ^
So he mean that player knuffl88 play peaceful in rohan world but in real world he is a Hitmen.For that reason he looking for TrooOoy or somthing in real to kill him and clear both worlds from that sh3t rohan world and real world... kapish? (penguinjoe)
Last edited by u3podcku; 05-06-2016 at 04:18 PM.
Dude for the love of god share that blunt or GTFO.
LacieLane 135 Wizard
Priestess 128 Priest