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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Mariion View Post
    I've 6x dd but my point isn't that at all.

    Why Jin or Ran should buy anything cause Atzigan gave to Pinoys free items and merge PH server here ?
    Was it hard to make another slot and merge theyr server and shitty indo stuff there, + those upg those pinoys got has been sold in rmt by GMs of those servers so wtf ?

    This company give back items here cause of Ph's company closed and try to make us pay for it since we all play here. It's retarded, we are here longer than them (Jin and Ran) and we have to adapt to those guys ? What is this for a shitty management ? I never saw such fucking bullshit.

    It's like the biggest charity ever, Atzigan gave for free theyr items but the company can't afford a new server for those guys and oh, lets use the same server and we will make milk with those who still play here, and was here since like lets say 10 11 years ?
    Who will give us back our money and items when this server close ? If you got the answer to that, tell me.

    That's the retarded things I ever saw in my entire life, this company have no loyalty and no respect for us at all.

    Okay, let's strip apart the trolls I'm usually doing over here on the forums. It shouldn't be tedious to understand what is actually happening. From the executives views, the situation is the following :

    YNK/PlW did, since around 2 years, a chain of bad moves/decisions. They underestimated the hacking issue Leo and me reported to the GMs in late 2012. Not only they underestimated it, but they proved they were unable to stop it neither understand what was happening. From that point, instead of patching the client itself or the serverside (either with a complete rewrite of the client, either by rewriting the forge system) they chose the less expensive : patching gameguard, and proved again how they were a complete failure in managing that game.

    What did the indos do ? They went on the repository of CheatEngine, took the sourcecode of CheatEngine, and modified it so CE would be undetected. Gameguard was just a pure pile of **** in terms of security. That's exactly what Lee and Awall did, and when it comes to a game where you have to throw hundred and hundred of dollars monthly, it's probably the best move. So for around 8 months, you saw two trends : people leaving that game because it was expensive, or people hacking. YellowLightz, Famous, Vindicated, Eclipse, e2n, StarGazers, and some other guilds did hack almost everything that was possible to hack. PlW income dropped suddenly to near zero.

    Because due to the stupidity beyond levels of YNK/PlW and their irresponsible faith in GameGuard (or the greed, whatever you call it), almost every player was hacking. The few one that did not left. Then Nico came to uncover what was happening, and then zzerachiel came (a dev from a pserver, yeah) and explained them what was happening in the serverfiles and where to locate the hacked items. There has been a massive banwave, decimating the playerbase.

    Playerbase was once decimated with the release of epics, and then was decimated one more time with the hacking issues. More than 4k hacked weapons got removed, and we don't even talk about the armors.

    Not only that, but YNK released rohanopoly in such a way that it was possible to exploit it. Rohanopoly and the free coin system was very popular. Sadly, people exploited it. So YNK did a third banwave and closed Rohanopoly, leading a ton of players either to be banned again, either to leave.

    After that, YNK decided to release those mfkin +200 chimera armor stones. Then released those +50 armor stones. Released again 50% scrolls. Released walter's medals, released talismans, released absolute patchs, and released upg bossdrops. By january of 2013, people had all left that game, when everyone was hitting more than 50k regulars against characters that had 60 to 80k hp.

    What did YNK do ? They made Isen 6 months later, noticing no one was playing anymore. It lasted 1 month - one month and half, due to the stupidity of the CEOs. They made a server that was even more costly than Jin and Ran. One month of it, then people left again.

    Aswell, due to the extremely low population, YNK even released a lot of accounts that had been banned one year before due to hacking, in the hope they would come back to play again.

    So, as of everyone had left, they saw the pinoys as a way to re-populate the servers. They planned to merge Jin and Ran, and add the philippinos. From their point of view, it'd make the people play again, and would increase their income.

    Bad move. Pinoys won't spend on iRohan. $1 = 45 philippine peso (PHP). 1k rps = $10 = 450php. Minimum Philippine salary is 1.200 PHP. Median salary is 28.000 PHP, which is roughly $600. Average salary is about $1000.

    For any comparisons : $1 = 0.70 €... And I'm paid monthly 4.5k €

    If myself, with that monthly salary, find that game expensive as hell, then Pinoys won't spend even one peso in this game. They simply can't.

    Since they though they could take the pinoys as an income source, they merged all the equipments they had on Jin and Ran (supposedly as mistake). Bad news, they had weapons that were even stronger than epics and upgrades. Not only that, but by doing so they outright lied and screwed all the jin players. They all left, and there won't be even more than 10 people from Jin that are going to play. YNK doesn't watch the closed groups from facebook, but everyone is selling their stuff for real money. They are leaving.

    Merging Jin and Ran suppose you release new upgrades to par the PH weapons. So, in order to get some incomes (and to force everyone spending), they did a slight (but useless) boost on weapons to quiet everyone. And they released weapons stronger than the actual epics/upgrades to force Ran players to buy them.

    Bad news, people are quitting because they feel lied, cheated. And won't spend any cent in the new weapons because they obviously know not only that it's going to be unplayable but also that it's their opportunity to quit for good. Everyone's weapons and gears are useless, they all lost what they spent. They have no reason to stay over here, neither have a reason to spend in upg 2.0.

    Conclusion : the executive's point of view is totally wrong, and they failed in almost everything they had to understand. Privates servers are going to have a lot of people, and no one is going to come back to play under that management.

    PlW lost 95% of their playerbase this month, and cheap upg 2.0 won't make people come back. Good game, and great greedy milking management.
    Last edited by OrdinoArcalis; 11-16-2014 at 10:31 PM.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Conclusion to answer your post : a boost or free items given away won't help anyone.

  3. #23
    To backup the above 2 posts :
    I have been seeing a large surge if interest at my site the last couple weeks.
    There is nothing noble about being superior to others. True nobility is gained by becoming superior to one's former self.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    You forgot the part about not giving us any kind of skill balance in years. Sad part is every time a pserver gets popular...whats one of the things they've done to it...a skill balance. Too bad PW couldn't figure it out.

    PW...morons right until the end lol. They should have done the opposite with the ph/Jin/Ran merge and wiped all the epics/upgrades, gave us decent rates, and marked down forging items so ph people could afford it. Only ones that would have been so mad they rage quit that way would have been a few people on Ran who can't bare the thought of playing the game on equal footing where everyone has access to the same gear...and who obviously, since they are all on the forums crying, aren't going to be buying a lot of upg 2.0 anyhow. But what were the other scenarios...you make the new upgs a little weaker...Ran people wouldn't need to buy anything and nobody else wants to shell out cash for second tier gear, you make them stronger Ran still don't want to buy them, ph can't afford, and Jin is pissed because they don't want them. Either way it was a total fail from the begining...plus they pissed off Jin and priced ph players out of the game. Had the made game drop glacials the standard they might have retained some ph players, Jin players are always reforging and making new stuff anyhow so they'd have been happy, and some Ran players, especially the ones ShadowAce is always talking about that use glacials anyhow, wouldn't have cared one bit. One choice pissed off everyone, the other choice would have pissed off a few...naturally they made the wrong one lol.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Oh, no, I did not.

    They made three threads where people expressed their wills.

    One thread with 173 pages opened by Euthen and THH.
    One thread for class balance, that had more than 100 pages.
    One thread some time later for class balance again.

    And they did the exact opposite of what the players were asking for : unbalanced / unplayable / not fun / expensive servers.
    Last edited by OrdinoArcalis; 11-16-2014 at 06:34 PM.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by BananaBandit View Post
    To backup the above 2 posts :
    I have been seeing a large surge if interest at my site the last couple weeks.
    Don't worry, since the forums are free2troll and not pay2troll, I guess some gonna come back from time to time to troll PlW.





  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by OrdinoArcalis View Post
    Okay, let's strip apart the trolls I'm usually doing over here on the forums. It shouldn't be tedious to understand what is actually happening. From the executives views, the situation is the following :

    YNK/PlW did, since around 2 years, a chain of bad moves/decisions. They underestimated the hacking issue Leo and me reported to the GMs in late 2012. Not only they underestimated it, but they proved they were unable to stop it neither understand what was happening. From that point, instead of patching the client itself or the serverside (either with a complete rewrite of the client, either by rewriting the forge system) they chose the less expensive : patching gameguard, and proved again how they were a complete failure in managing that game.

    What did the indos do ? They went on the repository of CheatEngine, took the sourcecode of CheatEngine, and modified it so CE would be undetected. Gameguard was just a pure pile of **** in terms of security. That's exactly what Lee and Awall did, and when it comes to a game where you have to throw hundred and hundred of dollars monthly, it's probably the best move. So for around 8 months, you saw two trends : people leaving that game because it was expensive, or people hacking. YellowLightz, Famous, Vindicated, Eclipse, e2n, StarGazers, and some other guilds did hack almost everything that was possible to hack. PlW income dropped suddenly to near zero.

    Because due to the stupidity beyond levels of YNK/PlW and their irresponsible faith in GameGuard (or the greed, whatever you call it), almost every player was hacking. The few one that did not left. Then Nico came to uncover what was happening, and then zzerachiel came (a dev from a pserver, yeah) and explained them what was happening in the serverfiles and where to locate the hacked items. There has been a massive banwave, decimating the playerbase.

    Playerbase was once decimated with the release of epics, and then was decimated one more time with the hacking issues. More than 4k hacked weapons got removed, and we don't even talk about the armors.

    Not only that, but YNK released rohanopoly in such a way that it was possible to exploit it. Rohanopoly and the free coin system was very popular. Sadly, people exploited it. So YNK did a third banwave and closed Rohanopoly, leading a ton of players either to be banned again, either to leave.

    After that, YNK decided to release those mfkin +200 chimera armor stones. Then released those +50 armor stones. Released again 50% scrolls. Released walter's medals, released talismans, released absolute patchs, and released upg bossdrops. By january of 2013, people had all left that game, when everyone was hitting more than 50k regulars against characters that had 60 to 80k hp.

    What did YNK do ? They made Isen 6 months later, noticing no one was playing anymore. It lasted 1 month - one month and half, due to the stupidity of the CEOs. They made a server that was even more costly than Jin and Ran. One month of it, then people left again.

    Aswell, due to the extremely low population, YNK even released a lot of accounts that had been banned one year before due to hacking, in the hope they would come back to play again.

    So, as of everyone had left, they saw the pinoys as a way to re-populate the servers. They planned to merge Jin and Ran, and add the philippinos. From their point of view, it'd make the people play again, and would increase their income.

    Bad move. Pinoys won't spend on iRohan. $1 = 45 philippine peso (PHP). 1k rps = $10 = 450php. Minimum Philippine salary is 1.200 PHP. Median salary is 28.000 PHP, which is roughly $600. Average salary is about $1000.

    For any comparisons : $1 = 0.70 €... And I'm paid monthly 4.5k €

    If myself, with that monthly salary, find that game expensive as hell, then Pinoys won't spend even one peso in this game. They simply can't.

    Since they though they could take the pinoys as an income source, they merged all the equipments they had on Jin and Ran (supposedly as mistake). Bad news, they had weapons that were even stronger than epics and upgrades. Not only that, but by doing so they outright lied and screwed all the jin players. They all left, and there won't be even more than 10 people from Jin that are going to play. YNK doesn't watch the closed groups from facebook, but everyone is selling their stuff for real money. They are leaving.

    Merging Jin and Ran suppose you release new upgrades to par the PH weapons. So, in order to get some incomes (and to force everyone spending), they did a slight (but useless) boost on weapons to quiet everyone. And they released weapons stronger than the actual epics/upgrades to force Ran players to buy them.

    Bad news, people are quitting because they feel lied, cheated. And won't spend any cent in the new weapons because they obviously know not only that it's going to be unplayable but also that it's their opportunity to quit for good. Everyone's weapons and gears are useless, they all lost what they spent. They have no reason to stay over here, neither have a reason to spend in upg 2.0.

    Conclusion : the executive's point of view is totally wrong, and they failed in almost everything they had to understand. Privates servers are going to have a lot of people, and no one is going to come back to play under that management.

    PlW lost 95% of their playerbase this month, and cheap upg 2.0 won't make people come back. Good game, and great greedy milking management.

    this Story is 100% true!!!

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkTuramus View Post
    this Story is 100% true!!!
    yes actually it is 100% + pretty sure they closed Ph server because all "devs" of pserver were stealing patch and server game files from Ph servers, that's why all Pserver have Ph client exept Epic Rohan that have Tarrask as dev and took the files from here and still doing it cause YNK/PlW are still dumb enough to don't ban Danilo (heard he got finally banned ?) and remove Tarrask's access from this server and company files.

  9. #29
    Guardian of Knowledge RBNXD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    No where
    If they want to keep the servers alive and want people to come back they should drop prices looking at Ph currency and the BM nerf, so far EM prices wont drop like that but the amount of people that will come back will make the income worth keeping the server alive. If they keep screwing people up well there is no more future for Rohan. Last time i was in a pserver the amount of people online in 24hrs was over 1k i don't know if there is this/more/less people playing here.

    Atzigan please make the right decisions so our time and money spent here doesn't go to waist. Thx
    LacieLane 135 Wizard
    Priestess 128 Priest


  10. #30
    Colonel xXxAurorAxXx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by OrdinoArcalis View Post
    Okay, let's strip apart the trolls I'm usually doing over here on the forums. It shouldn't be tedious to understand what is actually happening. From the executives views, the situation is the following :

    YNK/PlW did, since around 2 years, a chain of bad moves/decisions. They underestimated the hacking issue Leo and me reported to the GMs in late 2012. Not only they underestimated it, but they proved they were unable to stop it neither understand what was happening. From that point, instead of patching the client itself or the serverside (either with a complete rewrite of the client, either by rewriting the forge system) they chose the less expensive : patching gameguard, and proved again how they were a complete failure in managing that game.

    What did the indos do ? They went on the repository of CheatEngine, took the sourcecode of CheatEngine, and modified it so CE would be undetected. Gameguard was just a pure pile of **** in terms of security. That's exactly what Lee and Awall did, and when it comes to a game where you have to throw hundred and hundred of dollars monthly, it's probably the best move. So for around 8 months, you saw two trends : people leaving that game because it was expensive, or people hacking. YellowLightz, Famous, Vindicated, Eclipse, e2n, StarGazers, and some other guilds did hack almost everything that was possible to hack. PlW income dropped suddenly to near zero.

    Because due to the stupidity beyond levels of YNK/PlW and their irresponsible faith in GameGuard (or the greed, whatever you call it), almost every player was hacking. The few one that did not left. Then Nico came to uncover what was happening, and then zzerachiel came (a dev from a pserver, yeah) and explained them what was happening in the serverfiles and where to locate the hacked items. There has been a massive banwave, decimating the playerbase.

    Playerbase was once decimated with the release of epics, and then was decimated one more time with the hacking issues. More than 4k hacked weapons got removed, and we don't even talk about the armors.

    Not only that, but YNK released rohanopoly in such a way that it was possible to exploit it. Rohanopoly and the free coin system was very popular. Sadly, people exploited it. So YNK did a third banwave and closed Rohanopoly, leading a ton of players either to be banned again, either to leave.

    After that, YNK decided to release those mfkin +200 chimera armor stones. Then released those +50 armor stones. Released again 50% scrolls. Released walter's medals, released talismans, released absolute patchs, and released upg bossdrops. By january of 2013, people had all left that game, when everyone was hitting more than 50k regulars against characters that had 60 to 80k hp.

    What did YNK do ? They made Isen 6 months later, noticing no one was playing anymore. It lasted 1 month - one month and half, due to the stupidity of the CEOs. They made a server that was even more costly than Jin and Ran. One month of it, then people left again.

    Aswell, due to the extremely low population, YNK even released a lot of accounts that had been banned one year before due to hacking, in the hope they would come back to play again.

    So, as of everyone had left, they saw the pinoys as a way to re-populate the servers. They planned to merge Jin and Ran, and add the philippinos. From their point of view, it'd make the people play again, and would increase their income.

    Bad move. Pinoys won't spend on iRohan. $1 = 45 philippine peso (PHP). 1k rps = $10 = 450php. Minimum Philippine salary is 1.200 PHP. Median salary is 28.000 PHP, which is roughly $600. Average salary is about $1000.

    For any comparisons : $1 = 0.70 €... And I'm paid monthly 4.5k €

    If myself, with that monthly salary, find that game expensive as hell, then Pinoys won't spend even one peso in this game. They simply can't.

    Since they though they could take the pinoys as an income source, they merged all the equipments they had on Jin and Ran (supposedly as mistake). Bad news, they had weapons that were even stronger than epics and upgrades. Not only that, but by doing so they outright lied and screwed all the jin players. They all left, and there won't be even more than 10 people from Jin that are going to play. YNK doesn't watch the closed groups from facebook, but everyone is selling their stuff for real money. They are leaving.

    Merging Jin and Ran suppose you release new upgrades to par the PH weapons. So, in order to get some incomes (and to force everyone spending), they did a slight (but useless) boost on weapons to quiet everyone. And they released weapons stronger than the actual epics/upgrades to force Ran players to buy them.

    Bad news, people are quitting because they feel lied, cheated. And won't spend any cent in the new weapons because they obviously know not only that it's going to be unplayable but also that it's their opportunity to quit for good. Everyone's weapons and gears are useless, they all lost what they spent. They have no reason to stay over here, neither have a reason to spend in upg 2.0.

    Conclusion : the executive's point of view is totally wrong, and they failed in almost everything they had to understand. Privates servers are going to have a lot of people, and no one is going to come back to play under that management.

    PlW lost 95% of their playerbase this month, and cheap upg 2.0 won't make people come back. Good game, and great greedy milking management.
    This is the smartest post I've read in these forums in a long time.

    At this point people should be taking a huge step backwards and take a good look at the state of this game. We/ you are being ripped of left right and center and this latest sever merge/ new weps just proves it. They dont give a rats a$$ about what people want here and when told they do the exact opposite time and time again...

    Just look at that survey we all did a few months ago. Were any of the suggestions in that thread taken into consideration and actually implemented? No. Well tell a lie. I think a costume or 2 was added and not a whole lot of anything else was heard.

    As sad as it is, this game has gone to the dogs and people need to let it go. Its come to the point where there is no turning back from the damage that's been done.

    I haven't played in 5 weeks or longer and I thought about keeping my chars and maybe returning someday, but I've come to the point now where I don't even want to. My chars will be deleted tomorrow (To save any temptation of ever returning) and any items (how ever useless) will be given to someone who has had a large impact on my Rohan history

    When you wake up..
    I'll be a story in your head,
    But that's ok.
    We are all stories in the end.

    Just make it a good one eh?
    Because it was, you know.
    It was the best.

    ~ The Doctor.

    MsAbella ~ Priest

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