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  1. #11
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinJoe View Post
    Only if you think something like lane departure and cruise control is expected to drive your car for you. Perhaps use YOUR brain please.

    This is a beta test. There WILL be bugs and errors. Your job by agreeing to play this game during this test phase is to find bugs and report then to the game developer via the ticket system.
    If you don't agree with that, then the game developer have no choice but to assume you are fine with things as they are.

    Are you satisfied with the game as it is? No? Then either put your findings into a ticket or stfu.
    TBH, when I paid 32k for my car with said features, it better works well - though. Do I expect it to drive for me? I expect it to work when I need it.
    Do I need it aka learn2drive? No, I don't - but it is there though and it would've been cheaper without it and to be honest, many people could use blind spot detection and lane departure these days..

    Difference here, however, is that buying a car isn't an alpha nor beta test and should need no "testing" unless you buy 2nd hand - therefore, this example doesn't really apply here anyway.
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  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    TBH, when I paid 32k for my car with said features, it better works well - though. Do I expect it to drive for me? I expect it to work when I need it.
    Do I need it aka learn2drive? No, I don't - but it is there though and it would've been cheaper without it and to be honest, many people could use blind spot detection and lane departure these days..

    Difference here, however, is that buying a car isn't an alpha nor beta test and should need no "testing" unless you buy 2nd hand - therefore, this example doesn't really apply here anyway.

    yeah... And that "car" Rohan is arld on market 7 years But they keep selling it with same problems

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gro52ek View Post
    yeah... And that "car" Rohan is arld on market 7 years But they keep selling it with same problems
    Aaaand people keep buying it.

    But seriously, some bugs like collision detection (root of sealing square glitching abuse) is not fixable due to the level it is located in the game engine. I've seen myself neck deep in the consignment podium where I should never have been able to enter it at that level. I also see people on mounts chasing facing the podium and running around and around it going through other players standing there. It won't get fixed because the team of developers that made the low level geomind game engine are long gone.

    My 2013 Ford Focus has completely buggy voice recognition too. It is a function and it should work, but they have yet to fix it on my 4-year old car. Nor will they accept it back for a refund since I can make it understand if I speak using a different timbre, accent or inflection. How is that really any different than Rohan?

    Bottom line is that every game will have strengths, weaknesses, quirks, bugs and misunderstood functions. And not all of them can or will get fixed any more than Ford can make my car understand my normal speaking voice.

    In beta test if you find faults, you report them. If they can fix them they just might fix them - probably not immediately but at some point.

  4. #14
    The devs made the bug to ''crash while you walk'' on purpose. You see, you have to relog your client to visit the consignment dealer, walking-port bug is the fastest way to relog to access the bugged consignment dealer.

    Happy strolls and happy searching!
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinJoe View Post
    Aaaand people keep buying it.

    But seriously, some bugs like collision detection (root of sealing square glitching abuse) is not fixable due to the level it is located in the game engine. I've seen myself neck deep in the consignment podium where I should never have been able to enter it at that level. I also see people on mounts chasing facing the podium and running around and around it going through other players standing there. It won't get fixed because the team of developers that made the low level geomind game engine are long gone.

    My 2013 Ford Focus has completely buggy voice recognition too. It is a function and it should work, but they have yet to fix it on my 4-year old car. Nor will they accept it back for a refund since I can make it understand if I speak using a different timbre, accent or inflection. How is that really any different than Rohan?

    Bottom line is that every game will have strengths, weaknesses, quirks, bugs and misunderstood functions. And not all of them can or will get fixed any more than Ford can make my car understand my normal speaking voice.

    In beta test if you find faults, you report them. If they can fix them they just might fix them - probably not immediately but at some point.

    Bugs reported 7 years ago still not fixed xD

  6. #16
    Join Date
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    Betcha can't find me
    And which bugs were those? Rohan: Origin has only been in beta test for about 3-4 weeks.

    To follow up with my analogy, the voice recognition problem has been a problem with Ford Sync for almost 10 years. They never fixed it until they moved away from the Microsoft-based automation engine.

    I doubt that any of the problems reported 7 years ago (again, need some kind of list of the actual reported bugs) were fixable by the people left behind when YNK became PlayWith.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinJoe View Post
    And which bugs were those? Rohan: Origin has only been in beta test for about 3-4 weeks.

    To follow up with my analogy, the voice recognition problem has been a problem with Ford Sync for almost 10 years. They never fixed it until they moved away from the Microsoft-based automation engine.

    I doubt that any of the problems reported 7 years ago (again, need some kind of list of the actual reported bugs) were fixable by the people left behind when YNK became PlayWith.
    Sure mr gm or whoever you are in company, just forward this problems to the programmer.

    I've done talking with you

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Betcha can't find me
    I'm not the one you need to talk to sir. Those would be the GameMasters and you can reach them with that friendly "SUPPORT" button at the top of this web page

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by gro52ek View Post
    Sure mr gm or whoever you are in company, just forward this problems to the programmer.

    I've done talking with you
    Are you actually this dense?

    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinJoe View Post
    I'm not the one you need to talk to sir. Those would be the GameMasters and you can reach them with that friendly "SUPPORT" button at the top of this web page
    I'm lolling quite hard over this convo lol.....these people just.....
    Salve - Dragon Sage
    Superiors - Guildmaster

    New/Returning Player Guide

  10. #20
    Join Date
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    Betcha can't find me
    Funny stuff. The trolling keeping me seriously amused.

    I'm pissing off a lotta people today

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