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  1. #151
    after the guard/giant patch......DKs they are just BS, so if anyone use DK they will know what im saying, ffs hits half now before patch, ahhh without counting if Im hitting someone with skill resistance they resist the ffs like 5 times before I can hit them ones, and u saying DKs are broken?? BS.
    Last edited by brujohechizero; 01-05-2016 at 06:06 PM.
    Vengeance is Always an Option

    JustDark server jin (inactive- the most hated DK on server)

    Musician, kickboxer,nurse,Bmet, comedian, Rotary International and a Liar..... any doubt? feel free to pm me

  2. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
    Dekans are broken CONCEPTUALLY anyone who says other wise is a fool. Inb4 templar comparisons guess what you gotta set the bar before trying to drag every other class as close to that bar as you can. Start with dekans move on to the other classes templars will get their nerfs/reworks eventually.

    Anyone who thinks a 800k hp dekan with 35k pdef is supposed to deal 150+k damage in 1 skill has no concept of balance. The point is to make the other builds (str, int) stronger so we can then delete ffs and its variations and act like this conceptual mistake never happened.
    This is so true. I also didn't get that when I first started Rohan, in some other games, tank builds or builds with bazillion hp and pdef doesn't hit that hard. Only here in Rohan I encountered this kind of game mechanics. So yeah it is pretty broken. But then, I think Dekans still need it's own balance patch. Maybe not now but eventually

  3. #153
    Guardian of Knowledge RBNXD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brujohechizero View Post
    after the guard/giant patch......DKs they are just BS, so if anyone use DK they will know what im saying, ffs hits half now before patch, ahhh without counting if Im hitting someone with skill resistance they resist the ffs like 5 times before I can hit them ones, and u saying DKs are broken?? BS.
    Bro, did you read the last patch notes? If you didn't you should.
    LacieLane 135 Wizard
    Priestess 128 Priest


  4. #154
    Quote Originally Posted by RBNXD View Post
    Bro, did you read the last patch notes? If you didn't you should.
    "bro" did u currently play dk after patch? if not.. u should.
    Vengeance is Always an Option

    JustDark server jin (inactive- the most hated DK on server)

    Musician, kickboxer,nurse,Bmet, comedian, Rotary International and a Liar..... any doubt? feel free to pm me

  5. #155
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    bro... no one cares, tanks aren't supposed to 1 shot people, be mad bro. shouldn't have picked such a sh.itty class as your main.

  6. #156
    sure sure, and temps dont supposed to do a 85k ss -_____- ( they can tank, they can heal, they reflect, they can absorb hp GE, they can multiple stun and root, they can debuff at least just 1 after patchh etc..) and no one cares ha-ha-ha....
    Vengeance is Always an Option

    JustDark server jin (inactive- the most hated DK on server)

    Musician, kickboxer,nurse,Bmet, comedian, Rotary International and a Liar..... any doubt? feel free to pm me

  7. #157
    It's funny to see how you shift gaze brujohechizero, last few pages you QQ about, new people cant play dekans, your opinion is more important than anyone elses, bad forging rates, OP templars, Vit dekans dont 1 shot people anymore, dekans need a balance patch and you're not part of the "mass". Shifting to a different topic as soon as someone comes up with an answer that's better than yours lmao.

    Let me summerise it for you booi. templars are OP, you see enough QQ about it, don't think you are special because you are the only one who notices. You don't know how to build/play lowbies for **** so thats why you think they are bad. You play vit dekan which is so easy to pvp with it kills off braincells every time you ffs/dffs/wffs, I can see you have been mashing that FFS button. Opposed to your opinion, some of these (as you call them) "forum campers" actually do have plenty of braincells left and do post things based on logical thinking and their gaming experience, you on the other hand seem to be lead by your utter frustration about the destruction of your one hit wonder button character. Everyone has the right to speak their mind on this forum, you are living proof of that lmao. The forging rates where BAD back in the old days, they are pretty good at the moment. You are just another wackjob on this forum that somehow got it in his head he is special or has better ideas than the "mass". You are insignificant, the only difference between you and many other people on this forum is that (most) of the others actually try to improve rohan while using their brain, opposed to you who only comes to cry about your vit dekan nerf(while you are too stupid or impatient to wait for the dekan balance patch) while spamming dumb things inbetween.

    Go ahead write some dumb reply back, you have the right to do so, and so has everyone else.
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  8. #158
    Guardian of Knowledge RBNXD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brujohechizero View Post
    "bro" did u currently play dk after patch? if not.. u should.
    I don't like that Class so i don't NEED to play it. Anyways I have a Str DS for Dung farming it wasn't bad(PvE) but as we have been saying Dekans aren't staying this way so crying about it is a waist of time.
    LacieLane 135 Wizard
    Priestess 128 Priest


  9. #159
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    Vit dekans are for players that have no playing skills. No class should never have a 1-click, I win button and anyone that thinks otherwise r4eally should go find a new game to play better suited to their playing skills. And yes, this is coming from someone that has played vit dekans for years both before and after hero.

    I don't play them anymore, neither here or on any other server for that very reason.

  10. #160
    Quote Originally Posted by snipers334 View Post
    It's funny to see how you shift gaze brujohechizero, last few pages you QQ about, new people cant play dekans, your opinion is more important than anyone elses, bad forging rates, OP templars, Vit dekans dont 1 shot people anymore, dekans need a balance patch and you're not part of the "mass". Shifting to a different topic as soon as someone comes up with an answer that's better than yours lmao.

    Let me summerise it for you booi. templars are OP, you see enough QQ about it, don't think you are special because you are the only one who notices. You don't know how to build/play lowbies for **** so thats why you think they are bad. You play vit dekan which is so easy to pvp with it kills off braincells every time you ffs/dffs/wffs, I can see you have been mashing that FFS button. Opposed to your opinion, some of these (as you call them) "forum campers" actually do have plenty of braincells left and do post things based on logical thinking and their gaming experience, you on the other hand seem to be lead by your utter frustration about the destruction of your one hit wonder button character. Everyone has the right to speak their mind on this forum, you are living proof of that lmao. The forging rates where BAD back in the old days, they are pretty good at the moment. You are just another wackjob on this forum that somehow got it in his head he is special or has better ideas than the "mass". You are insignificant, the only difference between you and many other people on this forum is that (most) of the others actually try to improve rohan while using their brain, opposed to you who only comes to cry about your vit dekan nerf(while you are too stupid or impatient to wait for the dekan balance patch) while spamming dumb things inbetween.

    Go ahead write some dumb reply back, you have the right to do so, and so has everyone else.
    I just started to make my opinion thats all, im not QQing or any sh1t, if make an opinion is QQing well "bro" think in antoher repertory thanks, ahhhh before forget if u care about dumb reply, why u waste ur time replying to me??? if I only cry, if im insignificant, if i dont using my brain , why u reply? why??? hahahaha says another forum camper??? or a brainless person using his "precious time replying to me?? idk just asking and no offense

    PS.. if they have a lot of braincells, why, why and why they keep suggesting when everyone knows PWI will never change the things players asking for years??
    Last edited by brujohechizero; 01-06-2016 at 06:51 AM.
    Vengeance is Always an Option

    JustDark server jin (inactive- the most hated DK on server)

    Musician, kickboxer,nurse,Bmet, comedian, Rotary International and a Liar..... any doubt? feel free to pm me

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