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  1. #91
    Quote Originally Posted by snipers334 View Post
    Can see you are a retired veteran player, you are not correctly informed at all. There are multiple viable classes, people don't ''1 shot'' eachother anymore. With the current focus being team based pvp you can get a 55% attack boost from party auras. with the +20 skills which for some classes are also party buffs you can get even more including more pdf/critrate/hp etc. Guardians are very strong, templars are strong, dragon sage is VERY strong, defenders do heaps of damage as well, Noirs are (when played correctly) really OP as well, Str dhans can still kill everything 1 vs 1 with silence and their DD pen skill(Okay maybe Rumir is hard to kill, in general all vit classes like priest/vit def/rumir got buffed). Ranger WILL be OP considdering their 230% + 250% accumulating damage boost on Siege Shot and +20 skill. Basically all the classes that were patched/are getting patched are good. DD changed as well and it's better to use dagger or mace and shield rather than dual wield atm.

    The increasing variety in pvp is already noticable, past classes that were only deemed as buffer are now actually popular and people play them. To have guild war/boss war or PA you actually need more than just temps and priests and a vit def.

    Instead of repeating stuff that people have been saying for years, you should go online and check for yourself or don't say anything at all.

    Fool dont talk to german chris like that he is literally a pvp expert. Just because something works on your noobass characters doesnt mean it would work in the league of pvp german chris would be in if he was still playing this game. We are talking on a strictly min-max front where people use every tool in the game to win.

    Also just because theres more variety now than lets say 6 months ago when I quit doesnt mean the game is going in the right direction. There are still a lot of classes that are completely useless and offer nothing so basically delete your lies and apologize.

    Iceyy~~No longer a Rohan Expert
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  2. #92
    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
    Fool dont talk to german chris like that he is literally a pvp expert. Just because something works on your noobass characters doesnt mean it would work in the league of pvp german chris would be in if he was still playing this game. We are talking on a strictly min-max front where people use every tool in the game to win.

    Also just because theres more variety now than lets say 6 months ago when I quit doesnt mean the game is going in the right direction. There are still a lot of classes that are completely useless and offer nothing so basically delete your lies and apologize.
    Are you just stupid or do you pretend to be xD? ''he would be'' ''if he stil was'' he's not playing so what is he basing his conclusions on? His ''epic pvp experiences in the past''? That doesn't make sense because things changed. Keep dwelling in the past and your mind will be clouded for what you might find in the future, good luck with that.

    More variety means more playable classes to pvp with than just Noir/Temp/Str Avenger/Vit DK. This is definitely an improvement.

    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
    There are still a lot of classes that are completely useless and offer nothing so basically delete your lies and apologize.
    Are you really saying this lmao? You say the same thing as a lvl 100 noob I met the otherday that played a vit dekan that doesn't do the damage it used to do lmfao. Did all classes get their balance patch yet? Nope, will they get a balance patch? Yes, Is any opinion about the current non patched classes usefull? No because it will change.
    Last edited by White Arctic Fox; 12-25-2015 at 01:35 AM.
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  3. #93
    Colonel FrontlinerCDV's Avatar
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    Sniper, I'm more than happy to admit that I'm totally out of the loop and can only base my knowledge of the current state of the game of what I've seen happening in the past(especially with this company) and from the outcries on these forums(Rumir 2 OP - you say that yourself). If I'm wrong, hey, so be it, doesn't matter to me anymore.

    Maybe someone could upload a PvP vid of the classes that were made viable with the latest patch, I'd appreciate that.

    Edit: I appreciate your kind words Strellan, but this oldfag from 3 years ago doesn't know a damn thing :P

  4. #94
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    What do we know anyway?

    And as far as Trinity classes go: they're OP, they don't need to level to 50 because they get a 51 lvl boost within the first 20minutes of starting. They don't need to bother with armors/weapons in those first 60 lvls as they get it for free - not quite sure why that was deemed a good idea, unless they intend to give everyone a boost to 51 with weapons and armors included, but then again - could as well turn all the city and pine maps etc, into some higher level mobs.
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  5. #95
    Quote Originally Posted by FrontlinerCDV View Post
    Sniper, I'm more than happy to admit that I'm totally out of the loop and can only base my knowledge of the current state of the game of what I've seen happening in the past(especially with this company) and from the outcries on these forums(Rumir 2 OP - you say that yourself). If I'm wrong, hey, so be it, doesn't matter to me anymore.

    Maybe someone could upload a PvP vid of the classes that were made viable with the latest patch, I'd appreciate that.

    Edit: I appreciate your kind words Strellan, but this oldfag from 3 years ago doesn't know a damn thing :P
    I know a really pro guard who is planning on recording some of his gameplay pvp. I don't know any Savages/Berserkers/Defenders that plan on doing so but if you wait some time I'm sure some people will upload some pvp stuff. Since everything is going to be self buffed and savages can snatch most buffs they will be good, especially if they get their +20 skill which will acumulate damage (like OS or SA). Guards just got very strong because of their damage buffs and due to having 50% blockrate while the DD cap is set at 70-80% and the new weapons allow you to use 30% DD pen stones you can't decrease blockrate which is basically 50% pure DD(yes i know it doesn't block magic stuff but DD classes do mostly AA or phys dmg.) and also prevents other guards/Giants/dhans from stacking OS/CS. CS got boosted and the +20 skill from guard is insane as well. crit aura now gives 25% attack force and 7% crit and emp gives 30% attack force and 45% pdf. It's very usefull to have both of these classes in your team together with a temp/priest/rumir to pvp etc.

    If you wanna get a little more up-to-date about all the changes (except for the stuff I wrote down) I'd advice you to read the Conquerer patch details and also the current giant/human patch details and you can even see the upcomming half elf details (with some google translate form the korean website).

    If I find any good pvp video I'll post it on the forums

    You are correct that PWI screwed up plenty of times but this change is definitely a step in the right direction.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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  6. #96
    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    What do we know anyway?

    And as far as Trinity classes go: they're OP, they don't need to level to 50 because they get a 51 lvl boost within the first 20minutes of starting. They don't need to bother with armors/weapons in those first 60 lvls as they get it for free - not quite sure why that was deemed a good idea, unless they intend to give everyone a boost to 51 with weapons and armors included, but then again - could as well turn all the city and pine maps etc, into some higher level mobs.
    Mag ik je bril lenen?

    I wondered why you get that boost as well, my assumption is that it's done to encourage people to make that class and check it out(make it fast 50 coz you'd not have to transmute low lvl weps into your arrendal etc). Also the skills below lvl 50 are.....total crap, after lvl 50 you start to actually have a skillset that you can use beside some aoe and a short buff lol. I think they just wanted to make it a bit different from the current classes, something new. That succeeded except that something new also became something OP. Wondering if they'll give Trinity a balance patch too, if so, probably as last class.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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  7. #97
    ok i answer this,how many +20 dekan exist atm lol while other classes can pvp under +20 lvl there wont be many +20 dekan and its easy to be ignore that skill close ur aoe and stop hit him 60 sec,if ur not retard.

  8. #98
    Quote Originally Posted by YuMadBro View Post
    ok i answer this,how many +20 dekan exist atm lol while other classes can pvp under +20 lvl there wont be many +20 dekan and its easy to be ignore that skill close ur aoe and stop hit him 60 sec,if ur not retard.
    Balancing is done for endgame purposes, it's not about how many +20 there currently are (they just patched it compared to the full time rohan exists) Look further than just the day of tomorrow. In the future there will be heaps of +20 people (if rohan survives). You think forcing a templar to off their AOE is something small lol? Part of their power like gaining heaps of HP back with euphoria from AOE's will not be possible for that time. Also If a dekan comes running in mid-fight they wont have time to off their AOE. In the past I killed plenty of people with warlocks with mirror lvl 7 (thats 3 hits only, okay 6 hits if you time it perfectly), this is 60 seconds of reflection lol.....
    Salve - Dragon Sage
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  9. #99
    I don't think it should be balanced with mainly +20+ in mind, since new players would like to see some balance within a reasonable time of their gameplay. But gaining huge damage from maximum amount of HP is a silly idea anyway, so for Dekans I would only wait for some improvement in the str/int skills and maybe give a new purpose for vit build because the FFS skills do not really contribute to a healthy game.
    Last edited by bosshunt; 12-26-2015 at 03:38 AM.

  10. #100
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    FFS was imo not intended to be the centre of a build, but rather as a finisher in str/int/sepa builds with reasonable HP pools. Say, if you needed that little burst to finish someone off before they can re-pot.

    Then again, teardrops/10sec pots and what not else kind of defeated that purpose anyway.

    Before DFFS and WFFS, what was the build worth? Just standing there tanking with but one attack.
    If you didn't one hit them in a single hit - your gameplay was over. They couldn't kill you, you couldn't kill them and only had one attack every half minute or whatever the CD was.
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