Quote Originally Posted by Cymesta View Post
Hello guys, me again xD. now that my dhan is 103 lvling became really slow, so i decided to make another account while my dhan is on HK, and so comes my question about the guardians. Why i never see them on Isen server? can some1 help out with some pros and cons for the guardian class. like good pvper or pve kind of character. Should i pick it or a defender. cuz i see ALOT of defenders.

Also i read on the wiki that a guardian can dual wield swords and off wield a dagger and maybe a shield? what do u guys think.

''lvl 103'' ''really slow'' ..... uh my man? At lvl 103 the xp travels at just below lightspeed. I'll talk to you when you''re 115+40....

Do inter/minor dungeons, you'll be 115 in no time.

Guardian > Defender PVE and PVP wise. Use sword (dd) and dagger (dd + hp/mp abs)

Defender is cheaper to gear, tankier (50/50 vit/str) and very wanted in partys (emp 7 with monthly free ASES 30% attack force and 45% pdf), if you wanna lvl to 115+20 fast & cheap, get a def.