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  1. #31
    Colonel xXxAurorAxXx's Avatar
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    Lolwat? Ohman. Do you even know Cele? Wow, just wow. I haven't been online either. Did that make me a suspect also?


    When you wake up..
    I'll be a story in your head,
    But that's ok.
    We are all stories in the end.

    Just make it a good one eh?
    Because it was, you know.
    It was the best.

    ~ The Doctor.

    MsAbella ~ Priest

  2. #32
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    Belgium - In the sky, looking down upon you.

    Not sure why it matters - as long as you're in the center of attention, is it not, Shawn?

    Your voice shouting that people say that you are a scammer, is louder than the voices of the actual people saying you're an actual scammer. I wouldn't be half so surprised to know you were the initial person who gave rise to the 'rumours' that you're a one, for giggles and attention.

    Anyway, you gotta live with it. Wear it with pride - your mom still loves you.
    Keep your friends close - your farmers closer
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    BlazingSun | Sushi | Mischievous
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  3. #33
    Colonel xXxAurorAxXx's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
    Im kinda surprised Shawn is even throwing names around here with this latest drama. Hes calling half of Lucid "scammers" but could only come up with one name when asked and then it was only a "possibly" and only because that person hasn't been seen online lately...

    I know Cele pretty well, I know shes worked her a$$ off to lvl her Priest as has cherish with his char, I very much highly doubt she would risk all of that and her char that she loves so much on an apparent witch hunt to get someone band.

    And Shawn dont paint all of us Lucid members with the same brush. Not all of us are lying/ scamming/ cheating vindictive losers with nothing better to do. What members of our ally guild may do or dont does not make us all the same.

    If that was the case - E2n has sh1t lying/ scamming/ cheating vindictive losers too. Should we go around assuming all E2n are **** people too and your ally guild? Because they (in your words) are one in the same?

    I would think you would know better by now than to name drop and call people out on being scammers or alike without real proof. I mean hasnt it happened to you countless times? People accusing you of **** based off only assumptions and rumours.

    When you wake up..
    I'll be a story in your head,
    But that's ok.
    We are all stories in the end.

    Just make it a good one eh?
    Because it was, you know.
    It was the best.

    ~ The Doctor.

    MsAbella ~ Priest

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by xXxAurorAxXx View Post
    Im kinda surprised Shawn is even throwing names around here with this latest drama. Hes calling half of Lucid "scammers" but could only come up with one name when asked and then it was only a "possibly" and only because that person hasn't been seen online lately...

    I know Cele pretty well, I know shes worked her a$$ off to lvl her Priest as has cherish with his char, I very much highly doubt she would risk all of that and her char that she loves so much on an apparent witch hunt to get someone band.

    And Shawn dont paint all of us Lucid members with the same brush. Not all of us are lying/ scamming/ cheating vindictive losers with nothing better to do. What members of our ally guild may do or dont does not make us all the same.

    If that was the case - E2n has sh1t lying/ scamming/ cheating vindictive losers too. Should we go around assuming all E2n are **** people too and your ally guild? Because they (in your words) are one in the same?

    I would think you would know better by now than to name drop and call people out on being scammers or alike without real proof. I mean hasnt it happened to you countless times? People accusing you of **** based off only assumptions and rumours.
    Generalisation is a way for stupid people to cope with issues they don't understand or don't have an answer to. ''All Lucids are scammers, they should be banned'', ''All mexicans are bad, let's build a wall'' rings a bell?

    I'm still waiting for the day people start thinking for themselves and stop following the dumb herd (sheeple) but that day will never come.

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  5. #35
    Colonel xXxAurorAxXx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by snipers334 View Post
    Generalisation is a way for stupid people to cope with issues they don't understand or don't have an answer to. ''All Lucids are scammers, they should be banned'', ''All mexicans are bad, let's build a wall'' rings a bell?

    I'm still waiting for the day people start thinking for themselves and stop following the dumb herd (sheeple) but that day will never come.

    haha yes!

    In Shawns case I do believe hes caught a bad case of the E2N affect. Such a nasty affliction too :/

    When you wake up..
    I'll be a story in your head,
    But that's ok.
    We are all stories in the end.

    Just make it a good one eh?
    Because it was, you know.
    It was the best.

    ~ The Doctor.

    MsAbella ~ Priest

  6. #36
    Guardian of Knowledge RBNXD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xXxAurorAxXx View Post
    haha yes!

    In Shawns case I do believe hes caught a bad case of the E2N affect. Such a nasty affliction too :/
    Damn, right in the groin :l
    LacieLane 135 Wizard
    Priestess 128 Priest


  7. #37
    The notion that any of the old lucid people would cheat is absurd. Especially when their accounts are worth 2x that of the rest of the ppl in rohan.
    Last edited by sunnyangel; 09-13-2016 at 08:59 AM.

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  8. #38
    Guardian of Knowledge RBNXD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sunnyangel View Post
    The notion that any of the old lucid people would cheat is absurd. Especially when their accounts are worth 2x that of the rest of the ppl in rohan.
    10000000000x times you meant >.>
    LacieLane 135 Wizard
    Priestess 128 Priest


  9. #39
    Join Date
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    idk, i also seen some proof of cherish purchasing a indo helmet with agi and elemental and other shi.t on it. and i didnt say half of lucid scammers, i thought tijo was still cabron, it wound up being edgar that fat fu.ck trying to scam me. but as far as the whole sending ticket against knightdreams that was lucid core members who did that i seen proof, i also seen proof of cherish buying hacked ****. so ya it's not e2n infection i've seen it with my own eyes.

  10. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by shawnc1186ishere View Post
    .. but as far as the whole sending ticket against knightdreams that was lucid core members who did that i seen proof, i also seen proof of cherish buying hacked ****...
    I dunno about Lucid sending tickets to gms about KD, but it was me that blew the whistle (both here and elsewhere) when he and others in E2N started showing off 750K->1M melee. I gotta tell you the great unwashed out there got a huge OMGWTFROFLMAOBBQ out of how fked up this game truly is.,
    If some of the lucid core got in on that action, I dunno because I was never in lucid. Not even Karren tells me that kind of stuff.

    But anyway are you seriously trying to tell us you actually saw the tickets those guys sent in on KD? With your own eyes?
    Afaik ticket content is one of those things PWYNKi hold very tightly to themselves so I gotta doubt any assertions you might have on that matter. Nor will they ever publicize who in this game sends in what ticket. That doesn't stop people like me from publishing what I send in as a ticket - it is after all my information to publish or keep secret as I choose, but the powers-that-be won't ever share that info. Not without risk of losing their job.

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