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Thread: Weapon Attack

  1. #1

    Weapon Attack

    So I know weapon attack makes your damage alooooot better but I never understood how it really works. Does it percentually increase the base damage of your weapon and adds that percentage as pure attack to your melee/magic/ranged or does this work in another way? Also if it would work like this I would assume that trying to make an ancient weapon with weapon attack +13-15 is worth it since it will increase your pure attack alot....

    Anyone any idea how this works exactly?
    Salve - Dragon Sage
    Superiors - Guildmaster

    New/Returning Player Guide

  2. #2
    It increases the base damage of your weapon, and adds it as pure attack. It only applies to the damage of the weapon when it is not +ed. It will give the same bonus as +0 when it's +30. If I remember correctly, a Glac Xbow has around 800 damage. If you had 40% WA on it, that would be + 400 more pure RA. These days, you can get 1.5k + pure attack from talismans, costumes, titles, accs, etc. alone. Attack Speed, Elemental Attack, or Crit % would be a better choice now.

  3. #3
    My ranger has the new 4x upg xbow which comes inclusive with 90% weapon attack(unforged), I forged it in Crit, agree that helps more but still I wondered if it was worth it to try and + it more because of the weapon attack. And I do have talisman +7, walter +7 max title, maxed onyx set etc. already so im just searching for options to increase my damage further.
    Salve - Dragon Sage
    Superiors - Guildmaster

    New/Returning Player Guide

  4. #4
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    It's been way too long for me so I can't recall WA values.

    I do know, though, that Armour Defense (AD - the WA counterpart) for example gives you percentual pure defense of your total defense. Unlike its description, which is per usual not correct.
    Therefore, AD is extremely useful in pvE and goes perfectly hand in hand with the "min. defense options" and the "blue defense DS-skill". Unfortunately not so in PvP, since the attack values are totally off-chart.
    It's also one of the reasons this was never sold as a spirit stone on the Isen server IM - as it would render half the other (more expensive) options rather redundant for the pvE aspect of the game.

    The guardian skill "protection", however, does just what it says and gives you percentual defense from the "white" defensive values on your armor. As such, this skill is practically useless and will only start to be okay when you're high level and in endgame gear. In other words: a wasted 5 skill points on an active char - merely useful on a buffchar.

    Plussing your weapon will still add more pure melee to your total attack values but may not increase the WA percentual return of the WA option stone.

    P.s.: your sig is misspelled (imagination).
    Last edited by EaglePhoenix; 07-23-2015 at 12:31 AM.
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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by snipers334 View Post
    My ranger has the new 4x upg xbow which comes inclusive with 90% weapon attack(unforged), I forged it in Crit, agree that helps more but still I wondered if it was worth it to try and + it more because of the weapon attack. And I do have talisman +7, walter +7 max title, maxed onyx set etc. already so im just searching for options to increase my damage further.
    what + is your onyx set if high + wanna sell ill pay good
    Evolut1on 109 Famous

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by EaglePhoenix View Post
    It's been way too long for me so I can't recall WA values.

    I do know, though, that Armour Defense (AD - the WA counterpart) for example gives you percentual pure defense of your total defense. Unlike its description, which is per usual not correct.
    Therefore, AD is extremely useful in pvE and goes perfectly hand in hand with the "min. defense options" and the "blue defense DS-skill". Unfortunately not so in PvP, since the attack values are totally off-chart.
    It's also one of the reasons this was never sold as a spirit stone on the Isen server IM - as it would render half the other (more expensive) options rather redundant for the pvE aspect of the game.

    The guardian skill "protection", however, does just what it says and gives you percentual defense from the "white" defensive values on your armor. As such, this skill is practically useless and will only start to be okay when you're high level and in endgame gear. In other words: a wasted 5 skill points on an active char - merely useful on a buffchar.

    Plussing your weapon will still add more pure melee to your total attack values but may not increase the WA percentual return of the WA option stone.

    P.s.: your sig is misspelled (imagination).
    Ty for your reply and for seeing my mistake, ill change it
    Salve - Dragon Sage
    Superiors - Guildmaster

    New/Returning Player Guide

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by xxxCIPxxx View Post
    what + is your onyx set if high + wanna sell ill pay good
    +11/12/ 1k hp on the set but im not selling it, ranger is my main
    Salve - Dragon Sage
    Superiors - Guildmaster

    New/Returning Player Guide

  8. #8
    every1 has a price
    Evolut1on 109 Famous

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