Currently there are many things to solve:

* Balance of classes that is very complicated. We need to collect more accurate data.
* Difference of power between a new player and a veteran player.
* Renewal of systems that are no longer useful.
* Power Arena improvements.
* Alternatives to avoid that the PH items or similar no longer give exaggerated advantages to certain users.
* Improve the system to level up.
* Remove quests that are no longer useful or have bugs.
* And more.

Obviously there are more issues to resolve. But for now these are the issues we are trying to solve. You may suggest something that you think the community is more interested in. Remember that problems are solved in order and parts. Do not expect 20 things to be solved at the same time.

Think carefully in what you want to focus first, it does not have to be one of the things that are on the list. And I'll take charge of pushing the dev-team to fix it.