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    Elemental Dungeons - Collected Advices

    Hello my Dear Rohanians!

    Since Elemental Dungeon is important to us all i wanted to share some knowlegde that i accumulated in Minor, Inter and Superior.

    Archers: Will hit way more than melee Mobs that normal deal with it and get your pdef up
    Mages: Most classes get more mdef than Pdef so all think mages are a laught...i have News ist not the case for your Defender they get like 1/4 of the mdef most classes get. So be nice and kill that damn Magic fukkers.
    All bosses have one Thing in common they regen hp if they dont get hit for a certain amount of time really fast, this also is the case if your whole Party gets stunned by the Boss and nobody attacks. To Avoid such Stuff let a Ranger,Scout or Mage take a Position as far off from the Boss as he can to still hit him. In Many Cases you can avoid Healing that way.

    Metal Boss ---> get Detox potions, no discussions, your priest CANT out heal the DOT and Keep everyone alive so just pay the potions and use it when its applied to you and you will be fine

    Water Boss---> It can Debuff you, so be Aware that you can lose important buffs or that your Defender all of the Sudden can lose tons of HP because he lost his buffs.

    Earth Boss---> He applies Stuns AND Silence as AOE on you, make your priest do roundhouse "cure silence"-kick every time he uses the skill

    Defender: you want at least 700-900 pdef in Party to actually tank everything without OMG i will die Moments
    Priests: Nothing Special here just at most bosses Keep a Distance so you dont get instant aggro or get stunned all time.
    DamageDealer: doesnt rly matter as Long as you have lvl 50-66 Ancient weapon. ofc weapons with right stats and some +ing helps


    Defender: you want at least 2.2k pdef and around 16-20k HP in Party to tank everything without OMG i will die Moment. Also around lvl 78-82 you should get your Natu-Armor rdy
    Priests: Focus on healing after Stage 4, dont act like you do are here to do dmg, that is not your Job. If someone gets out of range dont run after them if you Defender loses your alm and marea its way more likely for him to die and with him you all.
    At least one Scout is Mandatory if you wanna go 10 Stages it's DeathChaser works great for dmg-boost.
    Savages and Predators are valueable Party-Members since they have Heal skills that provide your Tank and rest of Party better sustain and make higher Stages way easier.
    Generally you want your Weapons with right Stats here and either a Lvl 66 Ancient +6 to 10 or Lvl 82 Ancient +3 to 10. The more the better ofc.

    Superior (this is the Place i lack the most experience - Counter is 5 Runs so far - so if you can help out here do so)

    Defender: you Need your Natu to be done and you gonna Need around 3-3.5k pdef with a HP-Pool of 40k+ in Party.
    Priests: Natu is Mandatory nobody can effort you to die from some strolling Mobs. Focus on healing from the Start, dealing dmg is not your Job. If someone gets out of range dont run after them if your Defender loses your alm and marea its way more likely for him to die and with him you all.
    At least one Scout is mandatory for a run in acceptable time because his DeathChaser and Aoe-DMG come in Handy.
    Savages and Predators(healing totem/Trap) are nearly mandatory for a Save Run, ofc you can go without if you tank is rly rly good. But better Save than sorry i guess. Also both Classes offer strong aoe-Dmg that you will Need to breakdown the Mobs.
    Guardians are good for Taking out single-target Mobs like Archers and Mages that are a bit off since they usally dont die so easily and have nice Dmg for them self but also offer great Teambuffs.
    Agi-Dhans(most likely Avenger) are also often a good Choice to kill dangerous Mobs that are a bit far off, since they have high single-target dmg and can avoid archer shots via Evading.
    Generally you want Weapons with the right Stats here and it should be lvl 82 Ancient+8 to 10 / Lvl 98 Ancient +5 to 10 or even higher stuff like Tali,Ferken or Ophaniel+0 to 10.
    Last edited by DeadMansEnd; 06-02-2017 at 03:35 PM.

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