Am I the only one who's got issues with these refine rates?

The rates are absolutely r3tarded if you ask me, I've tried to dlvl a lvl 82 weapon to 79. I've spend around 20 mill and it's still 82. I've tried using -1 -2 and -3, it just keeps failing. (I'm not gonna use these success % stones I'm not a P2W tard)

The next ancient gear after Natu is for like lvl 110+ meaning you are FORCED to dlvl this at least 10 lvls to be able to wear it.

The way this game is orginised is, to be able to solo you need gear which is roughly 10-15 lvls above your lvl, thus making dlvling (refining) a necessity.

If you can't even dlvl one 82 items -3 lvls without spending 20+ mill (I've spent over 20 and It's still 82). I don't see how I'm ever going to be able to dlvl a full armour set -10 lvls each..

PS: I put this in a ticket as well.