It's almost month since testing the game. You provide us with item mall and news items for it. Preservation stones, scrolls to reset dungeons etc. etc. etc.
But still you didn't fix bugs which are reported since beginning? Can u explain us the customers when will u fix:
- diconnecting when using teleport(during walking)
- bugged pk system(atacking pink player makes u pink, 2 "white nickname" players atacking each other, killing pink players takes your possible kill, pink players kills u and he dont show up on your vengence list
- fix desynchro between clients (it makes terrible to do any pvp, when u try use skill but you cant use any other player stunned u on his client, but it didnt show up on your end
- consigment shop( still can't show the items)
- brigthness change(when u start rohan or go into options)
- Starting screen still fu** up screen resolution

Almost all of this buggs are 7 years old and u still didn't fix them? You wanna get money from us by running same game third time, but still u didn't fix obvious errors?