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  1. #33
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Betcha can't find me
    Quote Originally Posted by Ketsuga View Post
    Ah but you just did. You just constituted that it was in fact and insult by JUST saying it was. Why do you keep backpedaling on your words?
    Well you told me that you are Yoon and you took Sylf's comments as insults. As I stated in the very first post I made in this thread, If you were the target of the comments and you feel it is an insult, then it is an insult. It is up to you do do something about it. Where exactly is the backpedalling? It seems to be you that has some problem with English here (shouldn't have snoozed off in the boring classes).

    I really can't see where you have a problem with that. What's your dysfunction? You say you were insulted, then you were insulted. So What?

    So we're just going to ignore the public opinion from now on with this logic. If i say it's an insult then boom that's it! My thoughts prevent you from formulating your own and if you did manage to conjure up something then it wouldn't matter anyway because whatever I say supersedes you. Ok I'm in!
    Hmmm, Public Opinion... Who is this "Public" you are talking about? You? Guess what. I am part of this "Public". Surprise!!

    Look, if someone walks up to me and called me a white-assed weasel eater, was I insulted? Who determines if I am insulted or not? YOU? If I decide I was insulted, is it up to YOU to do anything about it? FK NO! It is my issue to deal with however I choose (and I don't do it by creating threads like this to cry in forums). Again, where is the backpedal?

    Damn you're right Neph didn't insult you in fact no one was even talking to you. So I guess you should've just minded your damn business right? I wasn't whining until I directly started speaking to you and challenging your words. Now I'm whining, bawling,QQing and doing the wave at the same time. What can I say your words just get me so damn emotional PJ.
    I hate to tell you this, but you did post that in a public forum. If you don't want to hear negative comments on your post, then don't post it in a public forum. But I do welcome you to try and censor me. There is no such thing as "Minding your own bujsikness" in a puiblic forum. js.

    2+2=4 3+1=4 Your way of dealing with something isn't the only way (shocker I know). Why should I listen to your opinion on how to deal/resolving a matter? My opinion supersedes yours apparently.
    My way is the only way to deal with a problem? Wow I didn't realize I had so much pull around here. Let me get my crown and climb up on the Iron Throne. I told you many. many times it is your and only opinion that you were insulted that counts. Sorry you feel put upon about that. But so far I have not seen how youj are "dealing" with your "problem" except crying here (and yes, the crying started with your creation of this thread.).

    For someone who didn't/does not care/know who/what "Yoon" is you sure are asking a bunch of questions. Gosh this is so sudden I hate being put on the spot. I'm wearing a blue shirt and some jeans my hair isn't done yet but soon to come. My nails look horrible I've been doing a lot of typing lately because this guy, PJ (he's a real character let me tell you) keeps whining with me on the forums. Tears of joy I assure you, well at least on my behalf.
    These days Neph and I stroll around lime we meet for coffee and frolic through the flowers on occasions thanks for asking!
    The questions I'm asking are simply...

    If you feel so insulted, what are you doing about it beyond crying the blues in these forums? Have you taken it up with the GMs? Have you dealt with Sylfaen directly?

    Frankly I see your forum name "Ketsuga" and a picture of some game toon called UltimaYoon. I have no idea who you are and really I don't care. All I see is somebody that got his nose out of joint in the game and came bawling about racism in the forums. Since that seems to be the extend where you are "Doing something about it", then don't be surprised or pissed off when (not if) you get insulted again - cause it is gonna happen just to get you bawling in the forums.

    So Boo Hoo! That's my opinion on it. Don't like it? Awwww! Too Bad.

    (good to see you and sylf getting along so well. Hope you name your kids after me )
    Last edited by PenguinJoe; 12-05-2016 at 02:41 PM.

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