Is this really how the vengeance system is supposed to work ? we go to a spot and start farming. Shortly after a naked char attacks you and dies within seconds of being hit with area skill. That player now has up to 14 days of unrestricted venge on us,and really in theory its for infinity cause he can just repeat the process to keep the venge on you. He then venges us with an OP party 24/7. Now as far as im concerned,this system is being abused and should be changed.

Myself like many other players in this game spend x amount of money buying HKs,costume patterns,exp scrolls etc on a monthly basis just to play the game.(cause by no means is it free to play) where is the incentive for us to keep spending for the privilege of being venged 24/7.

Venge should only be offered to someone for 1 time only.
I bet theres not many players would disagree with that.

Well your probably wondering why im not sending this by ticket,thats because i know many players have addressed this issue by ticket.They just got an automated reply to say their ticket was recieved,and no response after that.

I know players have left this game in their droves because of this issue.
Surly its not in the best interest of Rohan to have this current version of vengeance system in operation.

Feel free to add your concerns about this issue on this thread.
GMs do read the forum,maybe when they see how much this a negative part of the game.They just might do something about it.

Oh and i challenge any Rohan staff member to give a good reason why this honor vengeange system is good for the game.