Unfortunately Trump IS president and there really is nothing her or anyone else can do about it except impeach him if he fks up.

Nobody likes him, but he wound up president - probably because those that really did not like either candidate refused to vote for either of them and there were more of those left over out there that were tired of Liberal governments that were not following through with their promises when they were elected.

Well, Trump is president. Like it or not. Let's just see if he can deliver on the 76 promises he made during his campaign or if he is just another politician (of any party) that is all mouth/no action.

Easy to say, a lot harder to do (except the one about promising never to ride a bicycle - I think he might actually pull that one off).

So I am not worrying about him yet. There is little he can do except being a bigoted asshat that doesn't have any idea that he can't build a 2,000 mile long unclimbable wall along the Mexican border (*ehrm* Hate to break this to you Mr Trump -- most of the time they use TUNNELS! Duh!).