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  1. #12
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
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    Apr 2011
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    Quote Originally Posted by vijay9992 View Post
    Trolololol. RBN did that coz he got banned by Karazy after telling **** and negative stuff about the server, the management. Before he got banned he was posting and advising people to quit the game. I remember he even posted stuff about a farmer who cant compete coz of everyday releases of UPG etc and the stuff the farmer became obsolete vs the new releases so he keep on talking bad things on this forum until he got the attention of karazy and he's banned for it. Now the funny thing is after he got banned he keep on begging karazy to unbanned his account. He was promoting "i QUIT" why the hell would you beg karazy to unban your account when you already said you quitted this game? Now thats funny AF ehehhehe.
    FYI: I got banned because I posted the exact outcome of today. When Karazy strolled into the forums, he acted as if he would change the world. We had several GM's like that before and every time it's the same outcome. This time I was more than tired of it.
    They decided to wipe half of the forums, including all class-specific information/guides. They deleted many threads which held crucial info to get to a balanced game. I did not care for a new GM, knowing that in the end nothing would change.

    Karazy then promised us that he was different. He talked about holding player events to make new guides (since we refused to re-write our old ones). They asked for player input for fixes and game balance. They had people writing several pages on fixes and random stuff and did exactly... nothing with it. He had us finding figures for class specific upgrade weapons (mind, none a choice of us - but if they decide that is what they want, we could at least try to adjust the stats of them to something that would make a difference).

    I told Karazy he wouldn't be here a year.

    Well, we're x-months later with the following results:

    - no Karazy
    - no class specific guides
    - no such events
    - no upgrade sales
    - no class specific weapons
    - no player supported game changes

    They acted as if they were actually changing the game, but the only changes we got were the so called skill-balances, which were in fact already planned and executed in Korea and in which Karazy had absolutely zero input. However, what became clear during the talks, they had absolutely no clue about half of the skills and options. No idea of the differences between pure and inflated melee, no clue about armor defense differences (weapon stats vs skill based AD), no idea that 10%hero defense does not mitigate 10% hero power, had no idea that invenom is the only "elemental" that gets through, etc. etc. - it's ridiculous and it's also not very professional. Let alone that it can be taken seriously.

    Now we have Melloncollie stepping up in his stead for the time being. Now what? New head to turn to when you want a decent response to your tickets? New events? Actual changes to the game that matter?
    Please, stop being so delusional.

    I couldn't care less if they cleared my accounts or banned them - but I post on here just because I can.
    The only thing these clowns are good at is writing reports.

    Not read and comprehend them, mind you. Just writing.
    I stopped compiling shizzle a couple weeks before Karazy left - since it was already clear way beforehand what was going on and that nothing of it would be actually taken into account.

    These guys have absolutely no clue of transparent communication and the use of it. Actually, half of them don't even know how to communicate to begin with - other than writing reports that is.

    Look at RBNXD, he's spent literally tens of hours updating the wiki with crucial info and you would think they would do something with that - but no. They gave him a title, no one notices (Guardian of Knowledge) which no one even has a clue what it stands for and why he got it. Let alone, when.
    Half of these nitwit new players are oblivious to its existence and hasn't gotten a clue where to find it. They never bothered to think to make some announcement either for the person who's spent all that time and effort in it nor to promote the page. No sticky link to the forums - no easy to find "Newbs look here first" signs. Absolutely nothing.

    But hey, he's got a title. I prefer my "Emperor" - took me less effort to get, and I was still able to vent. All kudos to RBNXD for the genuine effort he's put into it - but the way they handle it just ridicules the effort done.
    Last edited by EaglePhoenix; 10-31-2016 at 04:29 PM.
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