Dear Karazy,

This is so late, primarily because I don't check forums often enough. Anyway, I just wanted you to know, even though you probably won't see this anymore, that I appreciated you more than you probably knew. You were one of the coolest people there was, and the only one to care about my in-game concerns. You were so chill that I never hesitated to talk to you (until after that one significant event). The game will be so empty now since you're gone. Nobody will listen to me rant about ~some~ people, or advise me, or just listen in general. I will definitely miss you, but I absolutely hope that your next job is twice as awesome as your job in PWI. I'm ever so sorry for having an outburst on you that time. Please forgive me. All things considered, I hope only the best for you and your career. If you ever decide to play Rohan, like play, not have authorization over it, you know which characters to whisper.
