Quote Originally Posted by soulholder View Post
I might come back to the boards and help out again with some pretty crazy potential upcoming content... if the help is wanted.
That also assumes I'm given connections/communications and my real forum account back, super-crazy orange-name powers and all.

I'm definitely too scrubby to be of any use in R:BF anymore, and don't think I really have the time to commit to it like I used to (and I was still scrubby there, too!).
But, I owe Playwith some more service, and quite frankly there's not a good MMO out there it seems. If I can barge in and at least try and shape what's next for the better, I'd be more than happy to.
Didn't recognize you with forum handle, but after the hints there I think I have an idea who you are

Been a really long time bro. (see what I did there?)

I don't expect you will get your old CC title back tho - the whole staffing has changed around since your day and I'm not sure your connections are still around.