Quote Originally Posted by Beatrix1993 View Post
Back where no lion/craft/epic existed
You won't find a Rohan anywhere that is that old. Not even private ones. Problem is the bin jockeys out there have no idea how to really turn a post crafting, 110 cap, hero server into one that backlevel. Anybody that manages to find the old server (and client) files that can work together ends up closing after they have collected a couple thousand $ in donations because they have no idea how to support that bug-ridden level of code or they get scared off by one of Steve Lee's DMCA shutdown requests.

No, Rohan has moved on and even the independents out there are trying to mimic Trinity, Hero 3 and l115+ level caps. Most have all but given up on creating/running backlevel servers and those that don't invariably screw it up royally.