Hello everyone.
I used to play rohan for years since beta, but quit several years ago when they released those 1k$ weapons or whatever they were.
Been playing lots of high end mmorpgs since, but recently bumped into an old rohan friend in another game and well... memories came back of good old rohan times, so I decided to give rohan another shot, especially when I saw they had a new class trinity which is awwww so kawaii by the looks of it.
I couldn't find anything on wiki about trinity, and google isn't much help either.
With youtube I learned it's skill tree's but nothing on gear or weapons or how this class works, any guides out there anyone please?
With said I started in beta as a dhan so please ignore my forum name, I love nothing more than playing support/healer these days, that loves running around buffing and saving people's asses, which brings me to another question, rumir belongs in a buffing squad right? Like... running around with priest, templar and rumir?
Also how is the situation with those damned weapons devs released (those 1k$ screw ups), are they more than ever in the game now or have they been slowly decreasing, basicly is the balance back or completely dead?
And are there any servers without them?
Last question, I pressume Jaimus is the highest populated server now? Is that where all old servers are like marea etc or something new ( im downloading the game atm so I can't see the server list) and does jaimus ( is it a server or cluster? If cluster which is the most lively server in it worth playing in?) has those imba weapons?

Additional suggestions and tips are welcome.
Thank you!