Quote Originally Posted by xXxAurorAxXx View Post
Not defending anyone here, not by a long shot. BUT are we sure he meant "fk" in the literal sense of the word or maybe he meant "fk" as in fk him over ~ as in getting him in the **** with the GM. Cause thats kinda how it reads to me.

At first the SS says "she ratted him out to the GM" then that she "tried to fk him" (<-- open to interpretation in regards to the subject matter) and then that she "got him in trouble with karazy"

AGAIN, not defending anyone or taking 1 word over another but this is kinda how things get confused and or blown out of proportion around here.

Shawn, how long have you been around here? Your really gonna say stuff like this based on something you "heard"? Did you hear it from the horses mouth or just some silly lime gossip? Cuz if its just some silly gossip you heard then we all know how Chinese whispers works.
i know for sure hema was dating, and joe cammed with him/her, steve dating her was just lime talks. but as far as this gem person they're a piece of sh.it. i know that sounds rude karren but she/he whatever it is said some nasty **** to me all cuz i wouldnt kiss his/her ass and sell her/him/it a absolute set dirt cheap. this gem pos got a real nasty mouth and for those who e-dated i hope she/he at least told them about the tranny thing before hand. if someone wants to date a tranny, hey go for it whatever floats your boat. but a tranny tricking guys into thinking its a girl, well lets just say if that ever happened to be i'd a little more than pissed off. i can assure you this gem person is a piece of garbage. and deserves whatever comes to him/her.