Quote Originally Posted by shawnc1186ishere View Post
yeah he didn't i'll sum it up for him. i woke up all hours of the night to level these kids cuz they were too poor to afford their own bot cards, i organized all their boss pvp's and mad other sh.it. and wayyyy more sh.it than i care to even list. then when guardians started killing me decided not to kos them to back me up, (guardians wound up kosing them anyway cuz they're retards) i did mad **** maha pat and you're fa.ggot ass too and you're all two faced pu.ssies. that's really it mark, they were all two faced scumbags who accepted my help then talked sh.it. they'd scam each other then blame me, and after i left guild they still scammed each other, even til server merge they STILL scam each other. and STILL BLAME ME LOL. look at when i got that 8x dd axe and 7x dd dagger in trade from someone. THEY blamed ME for scamming them. pretty much all you need to know about e2n is they're two faced hacking scammers who were all banned at one point for hacking/scamming paid gm's to get unbanned and call everyone else scammers. the end.
You woke up all hours of the night because your bot-alarm blared off at you. Way to nolife

I've never been banned, I never hacked, scammed or paid any GMs.
