Quote Originally Posted by Kophy View Post
Lol, can we please be honest and just call this what it is: a publicity stunt. 50% are back on the IM, Talis +20 on jackpot, twin sister auras u can buy now, rulers too (in game), boss drops reinforcable etc etc. BUT LETS TALK ABOUT BALANCE, RIGHT?
ikr. I agree.

I would've liked to avoid being negative in this thread, but yeah ...
I also would've liked to contribute ideas that would benefit everything/everyone long term (this game we like, us players, this company) but we've been down this road before right ? And what did that all achieve ? Please look at the current state of the game, sales and boss drop sale 'event'. Balancing ? The end result, items and situation we have (atleast from my POV) here now pretty much speaks for itself.

Why even make another thread like this ? Whilst 'implementing' kick-in-the-face sorta pay-for-power **** to your loyal (but messed up, lol) community. Pretty sure that anyone with half a brain that has been around as long as I have knows ...no matter what we do, or say, no matter how hard we 'cry' or whinge, nothing much really comes of it sadly. Sorry to be so negative and put this here, but I've always been the type to say or type w/e it is I feel, wherever I feel like doing so. I just don't care who takes offence or if I go against the grain or get tossed out or banned. Delete my post if you like, atleast then I would know it was read.

Want our help ? Then maybe whoever is 'in charge' should actually do something, or make some decisions that makes us (as players) want to continue to play, aswell as pay. Not put players off.
Until I actually see some sort of action (apart from yet another stunt thread), I'm sorry but I won't waste anymore of my own time writing here, or anybody elses' for that matter ...

I'd like to see positive change for all despite my stoned rant. I like the pvp mechanics of Rohan (when it's not so badly broken) and played this game since it's 1st live day. People have been saying it's 'dead' for a long time now, yet there's still a lot of players (like myself) that are, I dunno, just stubborn or enjoy the actual game despite all the bull**** and will continue to play. At this moment though, for myself and some others I know atleast, this game is sadly snowballing downhill hard and fast. Someone needs to make serious changes about how this sinking ship is being run. Maybe we can patch her up to be better than new ? LOL. Yes, despite my mean words I do remain hopeful.

Good luck.