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  1. #1

    Anger Managment 101

    Just for the lulz, your daily dosis of retards. Feel free to hate, laugh or cry away.

  2. #2
    Colonel xXxAurorAxXx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    When you wake up..
    I'll be a story in your head,
    But that's ok.
    We are all stories in the end.

    Just make it a good one eh?
    Because it was, you know.
    It was the best.

    ~ The Doctor.

    MsAbella ~ Priest

  3. #3
    I 1 shot your ass too lol
    FYI: pic showned isn't in PA
    xHELLDEVILx lvl 115 (+10) Dragon Knight
    Guild : looking for it
    "Born from Hell to incarnate your worst nightmares"

  4. #4
    Emperor EaglePhoenix's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Belgium - In the sky, looking down upon you.
    Keep your friends close - your farmers closer
    Leveling slow - to give you a headstart

    BlazingSun | Sushi | Mischievous
    Gasten die ik droeg en zich nu niet gedragen voor hen werd liefde gekoesterd maar is nu diep begraven
    Bladzijde zoveel omgeslaan, de strepen die ik verdiend heb heb ik veel opgestaan
    En voor ik ga slapen stel ik u voor aan mijn normen en waarden
    Peasant | Farmer | Rancher

  5. #5
    Colonel FrontlinerCDV's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    One of Linn`s boys doing the dirty job for her
    2/10, I've seen more rage than that. Too bad they wiped the old forums QQ

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by FrontlinerCDV View Post
    2/10, I've seen more rage than that. Too bad they wiped the old forums QQ
    I'm sorry, as OP I will try to deliver! (Moar OC some day)

  7. #7
    too bad that when you lose pvp 1vs1 on same level, you bring your noir 115 to wipe the whole party. Rage from TempleOfSteel and Papa came because you brought that noir 115 vs lvl 8x.

    Talking about sheer frustration and anger management cuz your 8x character can't do ****. That's hilarious.
    Last edited by arthurderohan; 11-27-2015 at 11:34 AM.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by arthurderohan View Post
    too bad that when you lose pvp 1vs1 on same level, you bring your noir 115 to wipe the whole party. Rage from TempleOfSteel and Papa came because you brought that noir 115 vs lvl 8x.

    Talking about sheer frustration and anger management cuz your 8x character can't do ****. That's hilarious.
    This rage from papa and temple wasn't from y-day it was from another day. You are so stupid lmao, I was in safezone and saw the Noir (Musician) go into upper to RPK. I Knew it would kill you guys so I acted like I whiped you out to piss you off which obviously worked LOLOLOLOLOL.

    I would never play noir and bind a good weapon into that class lmfao thats such a waste, also I have lost only 1 time a 2 v.s. 1 from a noir called sukro.

    Anyway sweet dreams

  9. #9
    such mad such angry many mental issues
    Salve - Dragon Sage
    Superiors - Guildmaster

    New/Returning Player Guide

  10. #10
    hai :3 i have something like dis can i join <3333??

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