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  1. #1

    GM Euthen , we really need to talk....

    SO, during the last of four "Reinforcement weekend parties" I attempted to make 60 insurgent chains for reinforcement. The following are pics I took for my own records/entertainment. I thought it would be an epic few screenshots seeing as its a rather large undertaking.

    What I count here is , EXACTLY enough materials for sixty (60) "Insurgent Chains" and sixty (60) "Armor Reinforcement Stone III"

    YET,FOR SOME REASON, after all was said and done, all my materials were consumed yet the game only ever made 58 Insurgent Chains. I traded ONE chain and ONE ARSIII to my templar's account to use the 'ars VI' in my Item Mall inven on that acct. The rest of the chains and arsIII I traded to an alternate character as I made them becasue there is simply no room in ONE CHARACTER'S inventory for 60 chains, 60 arsIII stones, AND ALL THE MATERIALS INVOLVED. I also was transfering all things produced to take yet another epic screenshot. It is as follows...

    As i said BEFORE, I traded one chain to my templar's account to use an ARS VI stone + abrad (Which failed btw....go figure. IKR?) And traded the rest to the alternate character as they were being produced. After all was said and done, something just wasnt adding up. I WAS MISSING 2 CHAINS! After scouring all characters and accounts THAT EVEN ENTERED THE CRAFTING STUIO THAT DAY, I submitted a ticket and also chatted with Loengrimm on Live Support.
    This is the first non-generic response to the ticket...

    NOW THEN.... I find this response hilarious AND wildly insulting at the same time , FOR A FEW GREAT REASONS....
    #1. NO crafting blueprint I have ever used or heard of anyone else using has EVER EXCEEDED 50 uses (they are supposed to expire off your list after 50 uses) YET, I HAVE MADE MORE THEN 70-80 from the same registered insurgent chain blueprint. YET FOR SOME REASON (I WONDER), I just keep making chains and making chains on the same print.
    #2. WHILE I WAS CRAFTING the 'Armor Reinforcement Stones' THAT PRINT ACTUALLY EXPIRED. So, I run to the R1 npc to buy a new print real fast, I buy the print, I register the print to my character, I made ONE MORE ARSIII and the blueprint EXPIRED(DISAPPEARED) FROM MY LIST ONLY HAVING MADE ONE THING FROM IT!!!!!!! (WTF) So, I run to R1 GET YET ANOTHER 'ARSIII' blueprint, register it AGAIN, made ONLY ONE MORE ARSIII, and it EXPIRED AGAIN!!! At, this point, I'm like WTF. So ... NOW I relog my crafting character, GET YET ANOTHER 'ARSIII' blueprint from r1, REGISTER IT, and LO AND BEHOLD, I CAN make more than one arsIII stone from the same print......THIS TIME(AFTER HAVING TO RELOG) btw, even if i didnt have to relog to get the crafting system to work, why did my blueprint disappear after just one use? (DO YOU ALL STILL THINK THE CRAFTING SYSTEM IS BUG/GLITCH FREE AS GM RANDERMIRTH WOULD HAVE US BELIEVE??) YEAH, I DIDNT THINK SO EITHER.
    #3. The original screenshot i sent in with the original ticket chain plainly shows my looting pet out, I'm just guessing but maybe it picked something DURING the progress bar action in crafting and the slot in my bags bugged/glitched? Or maybe the fact that I was crafting well over the 50 item limit of that blueprint?
    Last edited by ZeromisAlpha; 05-11-2012 at 01:27 PM.

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