Dear Shiltzians,

Many of you must remember certain messages with a strange link offering goods, free Items and cegels that some accounts were whispering or shouting randomly in-game. Even when many shiltzians are able to distinguish these frauds, lies and false promises, others fall as victims missing characters, items, cegels in the way.

So, in order to avoid this issue from happening again, we want to establish some points:

Common Phishing Methods:

1. Fake emails.
2. Fake facebook accounts (which can look like your friends).
3. Fake Community events shared from a fake Seal Facebook.
4. Fake event links whispered or shouted in-game.
5. Similar nicknames (For example: Character Olsemill can be mistaken for 0isemiil).
6. (NEW) Fake YouTube Accounts posting videos with scam links in their descriptions.

ONLY ENTER YOUR ACCOUNT INFORMATION INTO THE GENUINE SEAL ONLINE PORTAL. Check your address bar to make sure you are on the real portal page.


Advise & Steps to follow:

1) If you receive a link or image from a random person or a friend that has no context in any discussion, don't click on it!. Account hackers are using stolen accounts in order to re-post the same malicious links and carry out illegal or forbidden activities. What could be your friend may not really be him/her!

2) Report any suspicious activity. The GM's can be contacted through Please include the name of the person posting the link, and a screenshot of the URL sent by the scammer if possible.

3) If for any reason, you get involved as victim in one of these illegal activities, please report it inmediately.

4) If you are unsure about your account safety, remember that you can add a 2 Step-Authenticator through our official website:

5) All of our posts, are published in our official social media (Forum, Instagram and Facebook posts). WE DO NOT send any inbox message or whisp in-game involving sensitive account information.

[IMPORTANT] Players found guilty of posting, sharing or spamming suspicious link will be banned.

Stay Alert by protecting your account,

<Official Seal Online Blade of Destiny Websites>

⭐ Facebook:
⭐ Instagram:
⭐ Web:
⭐ Support:
⭐ Youtube:

Stay Safe!

Love Seal!
Seal B.O.D Team^^