Greetings Rohanians!
In this guide NPC Dorota will teach you everything you need to know about Pets in the R.O.H.A.N. Continent:
1. Summary
ㄴ Permanent Pets
ㄴ Time-Limited Pets
2. Quests for Permanent Pets
ㄴ NPC Dorota Location
ㄴ NPC Dorota Quests.
3. GM Notes
ㄴ How to obtain your Materials
ㄴ How to obtain Pet Adoption Tickets
ㄴ How to Fuse Pets
ㄴ How to Feed Pets
ㄴ How to Revive your Pets
ㄴ How to Change your Pet's Appereance
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1. Introduction:
> Permanent Pets
NPC Dorota 🧛: Here you can find a list of all the Permanent Pets available in the R.O.H.A.N. Continent!
* Some pets can change their appearance when they level up.
> Time-Limited Pets
NPC Dorota 🧛: Time-Limited Pets can give you better stats than Permanent Pets:
> NPC Dorota Location
NPC Dorota 🧛: You can find me at Fishing Hole!
* NPC Dorota will provide 6 quests. You need to select the quest for your desired pet:
2. Quests for Permanent Pets:
➡ Quest 1: [Repeatable] The Secret of the Mysterious Sphere! Level requirement: 1
This quest requires you to collect and hand over Broken Cintamani x10 and Transform Orb Collection x100.
*Further down this guide we will show you how to collect the Broken Cintamani, Trasformation Orbs & other materials.
Once you deliver the items you will receive a Dragon Sphere x1.
<Dragon Sphere>
Royal Dragon Stats
➡ Quest 2: [Repeatable] The Secret of the Bright Wings! Level requirement: 1
This quest requires you to collect and hand over Torn Wings x10 and Transform Orb Collection x100.
Once you deliver the items you will receive a Fairy Wings x1.
<Fairy Wings>
Queen Fairy Stats:
➡ Quest 3: [Repeatable] The Secret of the Mysterious Horn! Level requirement: 1
This quest requires you to collect and hand over Broken Horns x10 and Transform Orb Collection x100.
Once you deliver the items you will receive a Unicorn Horn x1.
<Unicorn Horn>
Empress Unicorn Stats:
➡ Quest 4: [Repeatable] The Secret of the Holy Crown Level requirement: 1
This quest requires you to collect and hand over Spotted Crown x10 and Transform Orb Collection x100.
<Spotted Crown>
*This item is tradable.
Once you deliver the items you will receive a Lion Crown x1.
<Lion Crown>
King Lion Stats:
➡ Quest 5: [Repeatable] Adopt a Rare Pet! Level requirement: 1
This quest requires you to collect and hand over Pet Adoption Ticket x10.
<Pet Adoption Ticket>
*This item is tradable.
Once you deliver the items you can choose between a Rare Firefox (Permanent) and a Rare King Lion(Permanent) .
Rare Fire Fox:
Rare King Lion:
➡ Quest 6: [Repeatable] ✨Adopt a Goddess Silva Pet!✨ Level requirement: 1
This quest requires you to collect and hand over Pet Adoption Ticket x250.
Once you deliver the items you can choose between a Hero Goddess Silva, Nurse Goddess Silva, Maid Goddess Silva or Tennis Goddess Silva!
Hero Goddess Silva (Permanent):
Nurse Goddess Silva (Permanent):
Maid Goddess Silva (Permanent):
Tennis Goddess Silva (Permanent):
3. GM Notes:
📌 How to obtain your materials:
Spotted Crowns / Broken Horns / Torn Wings / Broken Cintamani:
*While farming in Corrupt Hero Hall we get this drop “Pet Combination Master’s Pouch” it gives one of the Spotted Crowns / Broken Horns / Torn Wings & Broken Cintamani.
<Pet Combination Master’s Pouch>
Transformation Orb:
* We can get the Transformation Orb by buying it from NPC Link (Special supplies tab) located in Fishing Hole.
📌 How to obtain Pet Adoption Tickets:
Pet Adoption Ticket
*There are different ways to get a Pet Adoption Ticket such as:
- Buy from player Kiosks in-game;
- Vengeful Scratch Events (If they are selected as reward)
📌 How to Feed Pets:
* Thanks to the player GantiPresiden for the elaboration of this guide.
📌 How to Fuse Pets:
* Thanks to the player GantiPresiden for the elaboration of this guide.
Credits to the players SoulZeus, GantiPresiden and Verde for the elaboration of this guide ✔️
Best regards,
-R.O.H.A.N.: Eternal Vengeance Team
Vengeance Never Ends