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  1. #11
    soooo........how can a player got Baldea Magic Bracelet and many others got Yellow Ornament, prizes from like, 2017 if I remember correctly

  2. #12
    After I vacuum for 4 years, and finally play the game for 4 months now, here's my opinion(rant) for this event:

    So it took me around 2 hours to get 90-100 cards. Wether you're manual or auto.
    The junk item for me would be that attack slot, exp stuff and shiltz mercenary. Super ultra rare next to myth would be the XG ticket, wings and glove.
    There's no garbage like polymorph potion or 200k cegel. Every item in the flyer could be useful, there's only water drop for cegel too.
    I thought it was a really good christmas event, but unfortunately there's a catch. Low drop rate for event item.

    Overall, I bet this event is trying to boost auto hunting potion sale or make player use theirs from previous event reward, so it could boost the former. The 2 previous events was more friendly for manual players.
    By lowering the drop rate for the event item, you're discouraging player to hunt, it's not like the prize rate of shiltzmas presents were that good, right?
    If you want to boost your auto potion hunting sale, raise the drop rate like previous event to encourage people to hunt.
    Especially there's a lot of game sale out there for christmas & new year.
    You'll need to make worth it to play this game event.

    Also if you're worry about inflation, on what item?
    There's already a good armor set from the event. For quest item can be left as is. It doesn't really matter wether it's inflate or deflate, since you could just hunt them. That's their own risk to buy it from other. Time is money, right?
    Jewels are just a shiny rock now. It help a lot to lessen the burden XG-ing weapon.
    Weapon also don't have much availability in the market, if there's one who sells it, the price would be mind boggling. Player like me would be so picky to about it.
    It's not like pokemon that "gotta catch-'em all", though in this context is more like "gotta buy 'em all".
    And there's already other a lot of things that need cegel too, like XG-ing high level armor and weapon, evo pet to 7th stage. All of them are expensive as hell.
    This inflation problem would only be applicable for end game player or whale player that want end game armor and weapon. Also for the dev to create new content for the game.

  3. #13
    I just want to stop by to say that, how long has this event been? Lets just say that I am 4 days into the event, and I can only AFK for now, so I go for Snowballs, and the result of fishing all this time is just a really bunch of Moo Moo Headset (lovely!) and the best I got was BP EXP 7 days. I can say that the rate is pretty low for the Ornaments, and for real? 30 - 40 snowballs for a single tree? I might start hunting for the cards, then. The fishing one, sadly, sucks.

  4. #14
    Lol, 2 hours for 90 cards?? How is it possible? I use double drop while there is an event 300% drop with GX5 (24 hours) and i just got 400 cards. Meanwhile, the drop from the ornament still got random that aren't on the list. Huft

  5. #15
    400 cards in 2 hour? That seems impossible, especially with auto.
    With previous event, I could get around 300 melting glacier ice in 2 hour. It's manual of course.
    400 cards in 24 hour? Isn't that too low?

  6. #16
    got 3stacks cards in 24hours for this event. that is around 1800cards.. so yeah 400 in 2hours is impossible.. and 400 in 24hours is stupid.

  7. #17
    O bozee how it is possible, can you share the trick or the spot? I dont understand, why some people can pick an item only for specific one.

    Quote Originally Posted by devilplayer View Post
    got 3stacks cards in 24hours for this event. that is around 1800cards.. so yeah 400 in 2hours is impossible.. and 400 in 24hours is stupid.

  8. #18
    Wkwkwk. hey GM, there's too much drama here. many Indonesian players play a role to corner events to try to provoke the success rate of getting prizes, even though the real goal is to exploit prizes if the success rate of getting good prizes increases. stay focused on your work GM, don't follow the words of random players who try to exploit your game

  9. #19
    Asking to increase for the drop rate and prize rate are 2 different things.
    Prize rate is already fine as is.
    With higher drop rate, they'll lower the prize rate, but we're already in low-lower side.
    What I consider a decent rate would be 1 hour/box. <1 hour/box is better and >1hour/box is bad.
    Also the appearance item could affect that.

    But with the Christmas that was given yesterday where there's 300% drop for 30 days, no wonder they lower the drop rate.
    If you can't raise the drop rate, then give them triple drop instead. Well played.
    And it is already being exploited since it's only per char, not per accounts, imagine having 10 artisan and claim that gift, you could farm for 10 months.

    Also they could just make a sweeping robot with faster rate to collect item to assist manual player, so they can focus on killing monster faster.
    There's auto hunting antenna and auto pickup from battle pet, if you combine both system, then voilą, a literal sweeping robot.
    And you can use the auto dream scope on it too, to increase the area to collect item.
    This robot would be only beneficial if you're in hunting spot, there's double drop to overwhelm the item drop and for manual player that has high killing rate.
    The only downside is if there's other player on the spot, it lower your kill rate, so you might have free time waiting the monster to respawn, you might as well collect it yourself.
    They could lower the respawn rate to 3-4 seconds, as for now, I estimate around 7-9 seconds. Maybe you could make this as an event.
    This could be beneficial for auto hunting too, with faster respawn and double drop they could just hunt and let the robot to collect the item. Since doing that both with auto hunting as for now is a bit inefficient.
    You can let the pickup tab from auto hunting as an option like now, so they'll used the robot specifically for the event.
    This robot can be put in the same package with auto hunting. So player could use both item, or manual player use the robot to farm event item and use the auto hunt to farm equipment or item when there's no event.
    And hey, this might be more money for the dev.
    In conclusion, it should be beneficial for both manual and auto player.
    Last edited by rio533; 12-25-2022 at 08:58 PM.

  10. #20
    Playwith Staff TokageGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    Greetings Shiltzians,

    As mentioned by other users there are 4 Ornaments dropped from the Christmas tree, we will be correcting the Flyer soon!
    We apologize for the delay and inconvenience.. time sure flies by when you plan the Shiltzmas Surprise.

    Please shiltzians consider that the previous event lasted 2 weeks and this one lasts 4 weeks for those wondering about the rates.

    Quote Originally Posted by rio533 View Post
    But with the Christmas that was given yesterday where there's 300% drop for 30 days, no wonder they lower the drop rate.
    If you can't raise the drop rate, then give them triple drop instead. Well played.

    They could lower the respawn rate to 3-4 seconds, as for now, I estimate around 7-9 seconds. Maybe you could make this as an event.
    The Shiltzmas suprise is an extra its not related to the drop rate for the 4 week system event.
    That's an interesting suggestion will ask if its possible but 3-4 may be too much.
    About the auto loot, I understand that it would work perfectly with autohunt so I will inquire about it however we cannot make any promises.

    If you find any issue please send a ticket!


    Thank you for your attention.

    Seal B.O.D. Team
    Last edited by TokageGM; 12-26-2022 at 12:17 PM.
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