There have been a lot of very striking changes in the7 last year to make this game like a mobile game (Pay to Win), the essence of MMORPG has almost disappeared in this game.
here are some factors that make this game so boring unlike SealOnline in 2015 - 2019.
1. monotonous event every month
In the past year, the event was held once a month, Previously the event was held once every 2 weeks and in the next 2 weeks it was a week of rest without an event, did you ever think that this was a good thing? because if every month is full of events, the potential to be exploited is very large

2. Misleading event rewards
Have you ever thought that not everyone can join the event? and just want to buy event gift items from other players ?
for example, in the previous event the prizes in the box contained HTBS boogey boo costumes, but the costumes couldn't be traded with other players while to get them from the box there was little chance of getting 1 set because it was random. and we can't buy to be a player too because the items can't be traded.

3. It's too easy to issue legendary items every month, but only for those who pay
no space for free players, can't this game be like it used to be? to get exclusive items can be obtained from Crafting ?
the bug in making GX costumes is still not fixed, after the EX costume update, the costume cannot be melted to get Ethod Crystal, before the latest EX costume update all costumes can still be melted
free players really have no hope of surviving.

4. too many items destroy some game features

Some examples
ITEM that caused :
-.Shark Bait, Golden Sock Bait, easy 7stage G Pet from grabbit
The item caused the market to be flooded with PET (Pink Mandra, Golden Light Wyim, Fox Fire Kitsune)
we can't sell the PET to the NPC stored takes up a lot of space, sold no one buys, unless sold at a price lower than the selling price to the NPC, usually in some MMORPG games cheaters destroy the market by duplicating goods / items, but in this game it is very funny that it is the Developer who destroys the market by flooding the PET in the market

- features killed by this item : (1), Evolution Pet stage 7, why ? because we can get cheap stage pet 7 from other players get it from grabbit instead of having to manually evo to stage 7, (2) Refine Pet, why ? no one refine pet nowdays, because buying from other players is cheaper !! (3) Zaid's Melting NPC Previously to get rune stones we had to do melting equipment with a certain cegel to get it, now this feature is useless

because it's too much, I'll continue tomorrow