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  1. #1
    Playwith Staff SpynoGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    [Community Event] Paint Adventure!!

    Greetings Shiltzians!!

    This time we bring a new challenge for you!
    We know you are so creative that you had passed all our art challenges without problems, even the cosplay ones!

    So, this time we will be mixing two characteristics of the previous events, art and performance!

    As our graphic might have told you we will have a face-painted challenge!

    Who would best embody the spirit of Shiltz through this painting?

    Paint your mobs on your face or perhaps create a make-up inspired by Shiltz and their Bales or our dear Rascal Rabbit.


    We will have 3 places for this challenge:
    Most original 1st : 5000 RPS
    Most Aesthetic 2nd : 3500 RPS
    Most Funny: 3rd : 2000 RP

    *The Event starts on June 14th, and will end on June 17th.
    *Rewards will be sent on June 18th.
    *You must comment the answer, character and server.
    *One account PER PLAYER.
    *Multiple accounts will reduce chances of winning.
    *We are allowed to disqualify entries that we deem not eligible for rewards for being incomplete, incorrect, or unrelated to the event.

    Ready, set, take a SELFIE!
    Great luck to you all!

    Love Seal!
    Seal BOD Team ^^

  2. #2
    The best embody the spirit of Shiltz through this painting is the REAL RASCAL BUNNY of SEAL ONLINE

    IGN : Methcook
    Server : Arus

    Last edited by ShadyGrey; 06-17-2022 at 02:45 AM.

  3. #3
    I have painted the Batman Mask.
    IGN : Qianchuizi
    Server : Duran

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by yaoniuniu View Post
    I have painted the Batman Mask.
    IGN : Qianchuizi
    Server : Duran
    Greetings Yaoniuniu!

    Bear in mind that the challenge is based on Seal theme, you can paint mobs, NPC, or inspire on one of the cities.
    So, Batman is out of the thematic for this event.
    Plus the picture you attach is original from Pinterest, even if you upload it on Imgur, it won't count.
    If you still want to try, then you still have 1 day ;3

    Best luck!

  5. #5

    IGN : Ahbabyy
    Server : Duran



  6. #6
    ign : Maizenin
    Server : Duran

  7. #7
    The best embody the spirit of Shiltz through this painting is absolutely Dancing Pumpkin!!

    IGN: Zanitha
    Server: Duran

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by doctordoolitle View Post
    The best embody the spirit of Shiltz through this painting is absolutely Dancing Pumpkin!!

    IGN: Zanitha
    Server: Duran

    Greetings Doctordoolitle,

    Thank you for your participation, however, this is an edited photo of an old picture taken in 2014 from a facepaint web page.
    It won't count.

    Seal BOD Team

  9. #9
    Greetings Shiltzians!

    We appreciate your participation in this event, however, we had to disqualify some participants for sending incorrect, or unrelated to the event theme.

    Here are our winners:
    1st place: Methcook
    2nd place: Maizenin

    *RP's will be sent on Monday.

    Thank you for all your effort! <3

    Regards Seal BOD Team ^^

  10. #10
    Thank you GM! Me and my gf had fun doing this event too hehehe, will put the rps to good use for the seal sale

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