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  1. #1
    Playwith Staff SpynoGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2022

    [Community Event] Geek Pride!

    Greetings Shiltzians!

    Did you know what we celebrate the past week?
    The 25 of May was the Geek pride day!
    What did you do to celebrate this occasion?
    People have a lot of hobbies but not everyone seem to understand the passion we have for games.
    So is time to share stories.
    When did you discover you were in-love with videogames?
    How it was it?
    Was with Seal or with another game?

    Please tell us what make you get inside this wonderful community!

    Between all you comments we will make a raffle to get 10 winners.


    ��x50 Elim Salmons
    �� 2x Fame Ticket
    �� 1x Blessed Diamond
    �� 2x Old Knight's Approval

    ⚠️ The event starts on May31th and ends on June 3rd.
    ⚠️ Rewards will be sent on June 4thth.
    ⚠️ One account PER PLAYER.
    ⚠️ Multiple accounts will reduce the chances of winning.
    ⚠️ Be aware that we are allowed to disqualify entries that we deem not eligible for rewards for being incomplete, incorrect, or unrelated to the event.

    Love Seal!
    Seal BOD Team ^^

  2. #2
    Where should I comment?

  3. #3
    Playwith Staff SpynoGM's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2022
    Quote Originally Posted by Chloezzz View Post
    Where should I comment?
    Hi Choezzz, you can comment here, in this Forum Post.

  4. #4
    When did you discover you were in-love with videogames? Since 17 years old until now 34
    How it was it? I’m happy when i playing game, no stress
    Was with Seal or with another game?seal and other game

    I play seal since seal the game come out, and my wife join seal on 2014.
    till now we always play together.. thanks for bring seal into my life

  5. #5
    First time i play seal was on 2013 or 2014 can’t remember, and i love the graphics and the game play, i have so many friends who love this game as well, and seal was the forst pc game i ever play till now, i hope seal will bring more people to play this game

  6. #6
    In 2001 i was invited to my friend's house along with 3 others, there was the first time i play video games i still remember it was playstation 1st gen and we're playing a lot of kind of games like adventure, rpg, racing and many other. that was the first time i was falling in love with video games, because it's like there's another dimension to discover. the first time i play seal online was at 2009, at that time i enjoy the game but nothing special about it. but at 2018 i try to play this seal blade of destiny and meet other players that very nice and have guildmates that make me feels like family, i also excited by ranael equipment and other updates at that time. all new updates and player friendlines keep me interested to this game until today. thank you playwith.

  7. #7
    IGN: Sagara2132
    Server: Duran

    in early 2000, when i was in junior high. it was the first time i learn about online games. my first online game was gunbound, but i truly fell in love when i learnt about seal online Indonesia. it was still using pay to play where we have to buy voucher to log in into the game so i saved may daily allowance and every weekend i use the money to buy the voucher and pay for internet cafe. but after few years the game was filled with cheater and i decided to move to seal+, but the same thing happened and the server got rebooted into seal eternal destiny. it was the best experience because at the opening day of seal eternal destiny, my friend and me with many other new player march from lime to adel monastery avoiding many bales. we had to see some player fainted because they got hit by bales and it made the journey from lime to adel much more exciting. and now i'm still here spending some time off work to play seal online even when all my friend have stopped playing
    Last edited by panjiweda; 06-04-2022 at 06:05 AM. Reason: adding ign and server

  8. #8
    aku bermain game sejak 2015. saat itu akan ada ujian sekolah. karena terlalu sering belajar, bernain di saat istirahat belajar. game yang saya mainkan saat itu Dota. hingga akhir ny menemukan seal. hingga sekarang aq maen game dota 2 dan seal

  9. #9
    IGN: Chuiziwang
    server : Duran

    When I was still in elementary school, I used to go to my brother's house to play video games.
    I remember the first game I played was Konami's Contra
    I felt very happy when I passed the final level for the first time
    The first time I played SealOnline was in 2005 in Chinese Server. At that time, I LevelUp together with my friends and fought the boss together.
    We defeated the most powerful BOSS(Death Knight Yami) at that time.

  10. #10
    IGN: Diasima
    Server: Duran

    It was 2007, when I entered midschool. I found myself often had spare time and at one time I went to internet cafe with my friends. At that time, they introduced some of MMORPG games and I tried them all. Ones that I play continiously was RF and SealOnline. The latter one was Seal Online Indonesia, a local server. Both games is community-based, this was the reason why I chose them. Beside the online community that's fantastic, both games add the reason for me and my friends to hang out, that's what make me love them.

    That's my story and I'm sticking to it

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