Greetings, Rohanians!

On this post you will be able to find news regarding events and content.

The following contents has been conducted during our Maintenance:

⭐ New System Event "Dragon Legacy".
-- New Quests, NPC, Monsters and More! For more info: Click here
⭐ Special Service transcendence stat change
⭐ New Titles:
- Dragon Tamer
- Dragon Soul
⭐ Blood Pact Talisman (26 - 30).
⭐ Prevention Mask (11 - 20).
⭐ New Pet - Flamewing (30D).
⭐ Royal Sword Season 16. For more info: Click here
⭐ "Dragon Journey" Playtime Event.
⭐ Elemental Dungeon (777 Exp pouch) - Start.
⭐ Hunting Bonus Boost - Extended.

⭐ "FullEgg Alchemist" System Event - End.
⭐ "Shadow in the sky" Login event - End.
⭐ Monthly Quests - Reset.
⭐ Royal Sword Fever Season 2 - End.

⭐ "Shadow in the sky" Login event - Reward supplied.
- Additional item sent for 10 day reward.
⭐ Premium Season Ticket - Reward supplied.

⭐ Weekend Sales. For more info: Click here
⭐ Dragon Soul Title will be available in the sales on 05/05.

We would like to know your feedbacks regarding the New titles and Pet.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Best regards,
-R.O.H.A.N.: Eternal Vengeance Team-
Vengeance Never Ends