Ghostly Greetings!

As you may already know, this month has a holiday very different from all. For some, it is certainly a day of celebration, and for others, it is a time of mourning and tribulation. Whatever your reason is, cheer up and enjoy, for those who cannot do it but when they could, they gave us Joy.

Now you may be wondering, how can I participate? Adventurer, lines below you will find all the details and the dates.

Our Rascal Rabbit has been wondering how he should spend these days, but he's not sure enough. All you have to do is help our Rascal Rabbit, answering a simple question:

-How does your culture honor your deceased loved ones?

You could start with your traditions, this is just a suggestion.

The winners will be chosen by raffle, try your luck perhaps you will be luckier than some. Now that you know the rules, you just have to play your cards, you could be 1 of the 10 winners and this could be your rewards:

🎁15 x Pumpkin Cookies
🎁1 x Rascal Rabbit Balloon
🎁2 x Halloween Treasures Box
🎁25 x Rose


📌To participate in this event you just have to post your answer in the comments section.
📌There will be 10 winners chosen by raffle.


🏆The event begins on October 29 and ends on November 2.
🗓️Rewards will be sent on November 3.
👁️One account PER PLAYER.
🚷Multiple accounts will reduce your chances of winning.

Finally, thank you for your attention.

Do not forget to follow us, we count on your participation.
Happy holidays, have fun, and forget about the clock. From our GM staff to everyone, good luck!

Have a bootiful Halloween!

Seal BoD Team